Senator Gbenga Ashafa’s Timeless Impact

Every July 22, something significant happens among the circle of top-tier politicians and public administrators in Nigeria: the birthday of  Gbenga Ashafa. This year, that precious day illuminated the life of a man whose dedication to public service has painted no less than the best artwork of excellence across Nigeria. It showed that for his journey of 69 years, Ashafa has much to show in terms of vision, leadership, and unyielding resolve.

From his early days as Executive Secretary of the Lagos State Lands Bureau, Ashafa demonstrated a unique blend of efficiency and innovation. It was during his tenure that land administration transformed, with his reforms streamlining operations and improving service delivery. Looking back now, the policies Ashafa championed were not just administrative changes but seeds planted to grow a more organised and responsive system.

As a senator for Lagos East from 2011 to 2019, Ashafa’s influence reached new heights. His legislative work signalled the depth of his forward-thinking approach as he addressed one pivotal issue after another, and crafted solutions for the betterment of his constituents.

Then came the era of his leadership at the Federal Housing Authority (FAH) from 2020 to 2024 where he served as the MD/CEO. Ashafa showed that administrative vision can extend beyond mere infrastructure. He crafted spaces where communities could flourish, emphasising sustainability and long-term welfare. Indeed, his projects were not just about buildings but about creating environments where dreams could take root and thrive.

Even after stepping away from the FHA spotlight, Ashafa’s spirit of service remains undiminished. Moreover, his philanthropic efforts have only grown more brilliant as they illuminate lives, from educational scholarships to healthcare initiatives.

At 69, the story of  Ashafa is not over. But it has raised new bars for what constitutes enduring impact, vision, and service.

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