Pastor Jerry Eze Hosts 3rd NSPPD Prayer Conference in America, Draws Over 30,000 Attendees

George Brown Convention Centre, Houston, United States was the venue for the 3rd NSPPD PRAYER CONFERENCE IN AMERICA hosted by Nigerian Pastor, Jerry Eze. The event saw an astonishing 30,000 persons in attendance. It was an evening of impactful worship, fervent prayers and powerful ministry for the body of Christ.

Prolific and renowned gospel minster, Nathaniel Bassey was a part of this life changing event as he lead thousands in worship and communion with God. His ministration created an empowering atmosphere of profound spiritual connection.

The conference witnessed numerous healings and deliverances as several attendees experienced miraculous transformations and impact. Pastor Jerry was also awarded by the City of Houston for his extraordinary Impact in America.

As the event recorded another huge milestone which underscores the positive influence and coverage of the NSPPD movement it’s noteworthy that the gospel is indeed spreading and gradually becoming a platform for revival and empowerment.

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