Pastor Bolaji Idowu’s Next Level Prayer Conference Leaves Lasting Spiritual Impact

Folalumi Alaran in Abuja

A wave of God’s presence swept through Canada’s renowned International Center (TIC)
during the Next Level Prayer Conference that held on the 6th of July, 2024, led by Pastor Bolaji Idowu.

It was a powerful meeting filled with the tangible presence of God that left a lasting mark on everyone who attended.

Pastor Bolaji, known for his engaging teachings, impactful prayers, and prophetic declarations, guided attendees through heartfelt prayer sessions.

Attendees felt undeniable
changes as they released their burdens and deepened their connection with God. Miraculous healings were testified of, with chronic illnesses disappearing and immediate physical recoveries witnessed.

“One female attendee, who had been battling chronic kidney disease (CKD) for years, shared her remarkable experience:

“I had a strange dream in March this year, and by 3:00 PM on the same day of that dream, I received a text message from my general practitioner at the hospital, stating that I needed
to be placed on lifelong medication for my CKD. I was scheduled for an appointment, but I wanted to consult a nephrologist who specializes in treating black people.

“I lay on my bed, connected to NLP, and asked God to prompt Pastor Bolaji to say something about my condition. And then, he said ‘There is a lady who is seeking a second opinion, receive a
miracle for your kidney!’

That was me! I visited the doctor the following Tuesday, and as we checked my status on the NHS app, we both saw that my record had been updated to say that my chronic kidney
disease had resolved. Truly, God is here, and I have indeed encountered His divine power.”

Another attendee, a young boy who wore a hearing aid and struggled to hear, received an instant healing as Pastor Bolaji began praying. His mother accompanied him to the stage, overcome with shock and gratitude to God.

She shared that she had overheard Pastor Bolaji
declare that God would restore hearing to all those who came with deaf ears.

She removed her son’s hearing aid and called his name seven times, and he responded perfectly without
any assistance.

True to her word, Pastor Bolaji called the boy’s name and asked him a few
questions on stage, and he was able to hear and answer perfectly, to the amazement of all.

The NLP Conference was filled with numerous testimonies that unequivocally confirmed
God’s presence and His power to heal, deliver, and restore, leaving no doubt that His divine intervention was at work in the lives of attendees.

The impact of the Next Level Prayers wasn’t limited to its physical attendees alone, thousands
of people online also experienced God’s power and shared their testimonies in the live chat

The conference sparked a desire for more of God’s supernatural work in people’s lives.

People left the conference healed, thankful and their spirit-man ignited, ready to face their futures with renewed faith and commitment to a life of prayer.

This conference has made a lasting impact on attendees, setting them up for a future of miracles and blessings. NLP has proven to be a powerful tool for spiritual transformation, and those seeking a deeper connection with God are encouraged to join future conferences.

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