Be Good Ambassadors of Your Alma Mater, Proprietress Charges De-Gloryland College Graduands

Agnes Ekebuike

The Proprietress of the De-Gloryland College, Ejigbo, Lagos, Mrs. Maryann Igbinovia, has charged the set of 2024 graduands to be good ambassadors of the school as they continue their educational pursuits in life.

Mrs. Igbinovia, who gave the charge during the graduation ceremony of the set of 2024 held at the Multipurpose Hall of the school, implored the graduands to use the exposure, creativity and the leadership skills you have acquired from the school to lead their society responsibly.
The Proprietress, whose speech was delivered by the Director of Gloryland Schools, Mrs. Deborah Osayomwanbo, thanked parents of the graduands for their support over the years.

“To our outgoing students, I say congratulations to you all for this remarkable progress in your lives. You are the prospective leaders of the society and hope of our great school. For that, you cannot afford to fail us. It is our sincere hope that the exposure, creativity and the leadership skills you have acquired will reinforce you to be good ambassadors of our great school by leading the society responsibly.        
“It will be our great delight and utmost pride to hear good news from you in the nearest future. To achieve this, my fervent advice for you is: “Never forget your root” which is your origin of inspiration and nurturing. It is an undeniable fact that our experiences, whether home or school, reflect who we are and who we shall become.
I enjoin you to seek education to the highest level. Be disciplined, honest and morally upright.

“Today, my heart reacts in two ways: we are saddened that you are leaving us. We shall miss you dearly.

“Notwithstanding, we are also happy that you are leaving us to proceed to the next level of your education to fulfil your dreams.

“As we are sending you off to the world to proceed to the next level of your academic pursuit, we wish you God’s guidance and protection to accomplish your educational career.

“Let me use this opportunity to thank our parents whose indispensable support and sacrifice have been the backbone of the success of our graduands. May God reward you. We encourage you to continue giving your children your support to make them full-fledged educated beings with employable skills that can empower them to contribute their quota to the home and the society at large.

“On behalf of the school, I once again express deep appreciation to everyone for making out time to honour our invitation. I pray that the good Lord grants you all journey mercies as you go back to your various destinations,” Igbinovia said.  

The school director, who received gifts from the graduands, enjoined them to follow God and Give their best – in academics, “in the works of your hands, in any task you find yourself involved in at any time.

“Be the best. Go as high as you can and as far as you can. Don’t settle for mediocrity, choose wise friends and profitable associations.”

She told them to always be focused and avoid distractions, “avoid mental, intellectual distractions and emotional distractions and hold on to God. “He is an ever present Help in times of trouble.

The Principal of the college, Mrs. Sophia Onojaefe, the Vice Principal, Mr. Olayinka Olaoye, teachers and parents danced with the graduands. They later received boxes from the

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