Indigo Glowskin, Mira Skincare others Nominated for La Mode’s 2024 Skincare Brand of the Year

In a significant recognition of excellence within the skincare industry, Indigo Glowskin, Mira Skincare, Rixari Skin Secrets, and Hushd have been nominated for the coveted Skincare Brand of the Year award at the upcoming 2024 La Mode Green October Event.

These four brands have distinguished themselves through their innovative products and commitment to enhancing skin health, earning them a place among the industry’s elite. The nomination highlights their influence and contribution to the evolving landscape of beauty and skincare.

The Green October Event, organized by La Mode Magazine and the La Mode Disability Foundation, is set to be the largest Independence Day celebration in Nigeria. This year’s theme, “Diversity and Inclusion,” underscores the event’s dedication to embracing and celebrating all facets of beauty.

The event, scheduled for October 1st at the prestigious Oriental Hotel, will feature over 50 awards, more than 20 special recognition awards, a runway show, the iconic Green Carpet, a unified stage and a charity cause.

The 10th edition of the Green October Event Gala and Awards promises to be a landmark celebration of beauty, diversity, and innovation in the skincare industry.

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