Your Name is your Brand – Mc Charlene

Identity and how we identify ourselves play an important role in our life and everyday engagement with each other. In some cases, we identify and distinguish one another based off our names and the relevance we have built over time. Charlene Egbe also known as ‘Mc Charlene’ admonished this recently stating, “In the world of branding, name is very essential, so much it sustain descendants through generations.”

She further explained that, “The likes of Bob Marley, Martin Luther king, Rockefeller, Michael Jackson built great names for themselves so much that generations after them benefits and leverage on the respect accorded to their name”.

This means the name a power generate can be sustained to generation unborn; so much that the tales of those who bear the name will be relayed from generation to generation without the said person campaigning or spending any money, Mc Charlene explained.

“People will, on their own, do free publicity for the the name they felt it’s impact and for as long as those stories are told from generation to generation, the name will have the same effect, if not more, on people who hear such stories. Your name is your brand, do not let anybody mess with it.” She added.

Still on the importance of a name and ensuring it stays good she emphasized that, “It is easy for you to work all your life: build yourself a name with your integrity intact, and someone can throw dirt on the name for reasons best known to them. Life is funny you know. It’s a two way game also: as much as you keep yourself disciplined, you must also check the friends you have and those you lean on; especially people you do business with. You do not sleep when building something and it is not ideal to trust someone with what is yours hoping they have your best interest at heart.”

“They could have your interest at heart, but it is ideal to check them once a while, because if anything happens to your brand, your are cleaning the mess all alone. So to avoid post traumatic stress of a failed life that was caused by putting too much trust in someone, it is best you are very discrete and conscious on how you allow people mess with your name.” She concludes.

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