Nigeria, our beloved country, with its diverse cultures and languages, stands as a beacon of hope and promise for all who call it home.

The term citizen implies a certain type of relationship between the people and government.

Therefore, it is imperative that those in positions of authority to prioritize the needs of the people, create an inclusive society, and work towards policies that promote justice, equality, and the common good.

By aligning their actions with the aspirations of the Nigerians, our leaders can steer our nation towards a brighter future where every citizen can thrive and contribute meaningfully to national development.

As we journey through the path of nation-building, it is of utmost importance that we embrace the spirit of patriotism and unity that is at the core of our identity as Nigerians.

Ensuring that government actually works for the public good requires informed, organized, active and peaceful citizen participation. 

Participation is an instrumental driver of democratic and socio-economic change, and a fundamental way to empower citizens.

Thus, the recent reintroduction of the old National Anthem serves as a symbolic gesture of the government’s efforts to set the country on the right path.

This anthem, with its stirring lyrics and evocative imagery, encapsulates the essence of our national identity and the values we hold dear as Nigerians.

Through its verses, we are reminded of the importance of truth, justice, peace, and unity in building a strong and prosperous nation for generations to come.

 “Nigeria, we hail thee

Our own dear native land

Though tribes and tongues may differ

In brotherhood, we stand

Nigerians all, are proud to serve

Our sovereign Motherland.”

These words resonate with the spirit of unity in diversity that defines Nigeria.

Despite our differences, we are bound together by our shared love for our country and our commitment to serve with pride and dedication. Let us embrace this unity and let it guide us in our actions and decisions as we work towards a brighter future for Nigeria.

The National Anthem stanza speaks of values of integrity, peace, and legacy that we hold dear as Nigerians. Also, our flag represents our commitment to upholding truth and justice in all our endeavours, whether in times of peace or in moments of challenge.

Since leaders are sourced from among the citizens, and in line with the popular saying that “you can’t give what you don’t have”, here are several steps we can take to cultivate a sense of patriotism in our daily lives and contribute to the well-being of our beloved country, Nigeria. 

These steps will be our practical ways to embrace patriotism in our everyday actions as we wait for our opportunities to serve and toolkit for service:

These are respect for national symbols; participate in civic activities; support local businesses; stay informed; celebrate Nigerian culture; promote unity and harmony; practice good citizenship; engage in political process; support national development; and teach patriotism.

Let us therefore strive to build a nation where these values are upheld and passed on to the next generation, ensuring a legacy of honor and dignity for all Nigerians.

By taking these steps, and making a conscious effort to embody the values of patriotism in our daily lives, we can all play a part in building a stronger, more united Nigeria. 

Let us each strive to be active, engaged citizens who work towards the common good and the prosperity of our nation. Together, we can shape a future where the spirit of patriotism shines bright in all our hearts and minds.

May our actions be guided by the values of our re-introduced National Anthem, and may they inspire us to build a Nigeria where truth, justice, peace, and unity reign supreme.

Jumai Ahmadu PhD, Ag Director Reform Coordination and Service improvement FCTA, Abuja 

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