There’s a Hidden Strength within Our Mindset

Doreen Ugbeh, a PR Professional and Personal Development Advocate writes from Lagos.

I’ve lost my phone twice, once notably on my birthday, a situation that might have warranted panic. Surprisingly, my composed reaction seemed to have astonished everyone, although I only realized its impact when someone close experienced a similar loss, and her call though someone else’ phone and the panic in her voice almost made us call fine extinguishers.

Living with my eldest sister at the time, both of us working remotely, we were still in bed when the distress call came in. As we processed the situation, my sister looked at me and remarked, “One needs to study how you stay calm in situations like this.” It was a pick-pocket incident, a sudden loss that could easily derail the day.

It was my mind. The mindset that panicking wouldn’t solve my problem, but to rather focus on how I can get a new phone while I sort out important details like blocking my sim card and the rest. The way forward. It wasn’t about lacking concern or emotions, but about channeling them productively, maintaining clarity of thought and focusing on practical solutions.

I have realized, and I’m currently living in the knowledge that in the pursuit of achievement, whether in academics, career, personal and emotional growth, or even your spiritual belief of trusting God, one’s mindset plays a pivotal role.

The concept of mindset, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, encapsulates the belief system that shapes our attitudes and responses to challenges. At its core, mindset defines how we perceive our abilities and influences our approach to learning and development.

Dweck’s research identifies two primary mindsets: The Fixed and Growth minsdets. The growth mindset, which anyone should have, can have a broad impact in our lives more than we know.

Those with a growth mindset believe that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This outlook fosters resilience and a willingness to learn from failures, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than barriers to success. In contrast, a fixed mindset assumes that abilities are innate and unchangeable, leading individuals to avoid challenges for fear of failure and to perceive setbacks as personal shortcomings rather than opportunities for improvement.

In academics, a growth mindset empowers students to embrace challenges, seek constructive feedback, and persist in the face of obstacles. This mindset cultivates a love of learning and resilience, enabling students to achieve higher levels of academic success.
In careers, individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to take on ambitious projects, innovate, and adapt to changing circumstances. They see setbacks as learning experiences that propel them forward rather than as reasons to give up.

On a personal and emotional level, cultivating a growth mindset can enhance self-awareness and emotional resilience. It encourages individuals to develop healthier coping mechanisms, seek support when needed, and maintain a positive outlook even during difficult times.
Not forgetting spirituality, trusting in God involves a mindset of faith and surrender, believing in divine guidance and purpose. This mindset provides comfort, strength, and a sense of peace amid life’s uncertainties, encouraging individuals to align their actions with their beliefs and values.

Nowadays, business leaders, educators, and coaches are increasingly recognizing the importance of fostering a growth mindset culture. By promoting a belief in the power of effort and resilience, organizations can enhance employee engagement, creativity, and overall performance.

The good news is that mindset can evolve with deliberate effort. To foster a growth mindset, you can start by embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Cultivate a curiosity for new knowledge and skills, andpersist in the face of setbacks by viewing them as stepping stones to success.

Practice self-reflection for self-awareness, seek constructive feedback, and surround yourself with supportive peers and positive influences that encourage continuous development.
These strategies empower you to persist through difficulties, adapt to change, and achieve greater personal and professional success.

In all these pursuits, whether intellectual, professional, personal, or spiritual, nurturing a growth mindset is transformative. It empowers you to embrace challenges, persist in the face of adversity, and continually strive for improvement and fulfillment.

Ultimately, one’s mindset not only influences their achievements but also shapes their journey towards becoming the best version of themselves. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, remember: your mindset shapes your reality, so choose one that empowers you to reach new heights.

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