In a world filled with pain, in a life where the common necessities of life is becoming the exclusive preserves of the rich, in a world that is stratified into the haves and the haves- not, there is now a generation of young people compassionate enough to dedicate their lives to give succour and reliefs to the less privileged in the society, and that is the Higher Heights Mission Group.

 The group which is on a visit to Nigeria have come to Abuja volunteering their time and resources to show empathy and compassion to motherless babies, some of the most unfortunate ones in society. The charity group was set up mostly for one motive, and that is dedicating their lives to improving the lives of the vulnerable children through charity works and providing education on the importance of physical and mental health and well-being.

 The children of Higher Heights through empathic work learn the importance of giving back and caring for those in need and in the process help make the world a better place for all. These students involve in the higher heights charity typify a new generation of young people impacting the lessons and importance of helping the world to be a place where everyone no matter the condition in life can be helped to transform his disability into ability and pursue the contents of his or her talent.

 There is today many lessons that must be learnt from this group and it’s founders. The reality of life is that our world being capitalist in nature, we need a new generation of advocates for those in the lower rung of society to have the basic necessities of life which will in no small way contribute to the happiness of all. By dedicating their time and resources to this important charity cause,the Higher Heights Mission is always reminding us daily of our responsibilities to those on fringe of society..

 The founders of the group have cause to be happy because they have succeeded in building a mission dedicated to a cause that is higher than members of the group. By living their lives for the sake of others they have become an instrument of healing the wounds of the less privileged in society and building lives. Their mission to Abuja must be seen not only for the donations they have come to make to charity homes but the virtues exemplified by their charity works must be replicated by all of us who wish for the world a better place for all irrespective of the circumstance of our birth.

 The Higher Heights Mission is expected during the visits to extend their services to many charities in Abuja through the provision and distribution of education aids, foods like rice, semonvita, beans, clothings, health equipment and drugs, and above all funds for the education of the vulnerable persons.

Musa Wada, Abuja


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