BIMUN Harps on Youth Leadership, Climate Change

The Babcock International Model United Nations (BIMUN), a platform designed to equip young leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the global stage, had its 8th session recently at the Babcock University, where delegates discussed youth leadership and global issues like climate change, human rights, security, and economic development.

The 8th BIMUN session centered around the theme: ‘Agenda 2030: Rebuilding Trust and Reigniting Global Solidarity Towards Sustainability for All’, which provided a framework for delegates to explore the complex challenges facing the world and develop innovative solutions.

 “Rebuilding trust is essential for addressing global challenges. We must work collectively to create a sustainable future for all,” Abah stated.

BIMUN’s Executive Director, Mr. Samuel Chiemela, who expressed happiness in the growing impact of the conference, said: “BIMUN is more than just a simulation; it’s a platform for young people to develop the skills and confidence to become global change-makers. We believe that by empowering these young minds, we are investing in a brighter future for Africa and the world.”

The conference featured a wide range of committees, each tackling pressing global issues such as climate change, human rights, security, and economic development.

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