Destalker glows on the cover of Simple Magazine

Celebrated Nigerian spontaneous laughter merchant Destalker, is the cover star of the latest print issue of SIMPLE Magazine. Born Oghenekowhoyan Oghenebrorien Onaibe Desmond, the inspirational comic does not shy away from introducing himself with his plethora of names followed by his now well-known catchphrase: “I funny Die!”

Renowned for his comedic spontaneity, he has carved a unique niche for himself in Nigeria’s comedy landscape. In this exclusive interview, he opens up about his journey, his inspirations, and his philosophy on life and comedy. Destalker, who recently turned 40, a milestone he embraces with joy and reflection, reflects on the wisdom gained over the years, noting that some actions in his thirties now seem like wasted efforts. Despite minor regrets, like “trusting the wrong people,” he remains focused on “moving forward with discernment and a positive mindset.” His message is clear: success cannot be pursued with a poverty mindset.

Despite earning a degree in Public Administration from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, he found his true calling in comedy. He seamlessly blended his academic background with his natural talent to entertain and communicate with the public. He humorously asserts, “I am the only comedian who is currently administering what I studied.”

He credits his father as his primary inspiration in comedy. He fondly recalls how his father, a disciplined and time-conscious individual, imparted valuable lessons in life and comedy.

One of the most revealing moments of the interview was the revelation that before finding success in comedy, he (Destalker) worked as an undertaker. He went on to share the pivotal moment that led him to leave that job and pursue comedy full-time.

Destalker also talked about working as an okada rider to make ends meet. He says that his experiences during this period reinforced his belief in enjoying the process rather than prioritizing money. He emphasizes: “Those who pursue money don’t make it; money is like a butterfly, you can’t catch it by chasing it.”

He has been open about his struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts. In the interview, he shed more light on the struggle and the emerging process. He attributes his resilience to having a clear vision and staying focused on his goals. He advises others facing similar challenges to project themselves to where they want to be and remain steadfast in their journey. The interview is packed and juicy. Make sure to grab a copy of the magazine at a newsstand near you to enjoy the complete exclusive.

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