Humanity of  US-based Nigerian,  Jennifer Madubuko

“Philanthropy is not about money…it’s about feeling the pain of others and caring enough about their needs to help.’’

Timothy Pina, an American author and screenwriter may have had the Nigerian US-based businesswoman, Lolo Jennifer Madubuko, when he made this quote. The beautiful woman believes that regardless of where you are in life, there is something that you can offer, and that you mustn’t wait to be rich to be able to save the world.

For her, the act of generosity must first start from our willingness to develop a kind spirit. This is where she derived the inspiration to start her foundation, JDM Global.

Since the birth of the foundation, Madubuko has proven her worth as someone with milk of kindness running in her. The foundation has demonstrated to be a beacon of hope, dedicated to spreading the gospel of compassion, empowerment, and justice. It has recorded tremendous success in the last few years since its inception. The organisation has done philanthropic works across many parts of the South-east, as well as providing palliatives to needy communities in different parts of Nigeria.

As gathered, the philanthropic organisation recently donated a borehole to the people of Nkwoagu community, in Ebonyi State.

The facility, sited at Christ Anglican Church, Nkwoagu, was inaugurated on August 10 by the Diocesan bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Abakaliki, the Rt. Rev. Monday Nkwoagu.

In her address, Madubuko said she was motivated by the need to give meaning to the lives of the less privileged and needy in Nigerian society.

Mrs. Madubuko who was represented by Venerable Okey Ifionu, an Anglican cleric, reiterated her commitment to improving the quality of life for the underprivileged and underserved communities worldwide through strategic initiatives focused on healthcare, education, feeding the hungry, and defending abused underage children.

The vicar of Christ Anglican Church, Nkwoagu, Rev. Chukwunonso Okonkwo, and some of his parishioners expressed their joy and gratitude to JDM Foundation, describing the project as one that will improve the living standard of the parish and the community in general.

Bishop Nkwoagu, who was accompanied by some of his clergymen and members of the community, thanked JDM Foundation for its initiative and commended its example to other privileged Nigerians. He said that by providing water to the people of Nkwoagu community, JDM Global has solved a major existential problem of the residents. The Anglican prelate said that JDM’s action was a tangible way of winning souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.

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