N-HYPPADEC Comes to the Rescue of New Bussa after 30 Years of Searching for Portable Water

The story of New Bussa, the headquarters of Borgu Local Government of Niger state, was that of water everywhere yet none to drink. Laleye Dipo examines the plight of the people and the succour recently brought to them by N-HYPPADEC

New Bussa is home to the Kainji dam which generates electricity to power various parts of the country. While the water from the dam continues to generate electricity, the people around the dam, the host community, depend on hand dug wells, streams, boreholes, rain water and other unhealthy sources to get potable water.
Necessity they say is the mother of invention which has made the people to devise means of “saving” rain water which they use for domestic and other chores for several weeks and months.
The situation resulted in high cost of water sold by water vendors.
The intervention of the National – Hydro Power Producing Areas Development Commission (N-HYPPADEC) with the expansion and completion of the New Bussa water works which had been abandoned for over 30 years has however brought smiles to the faces of over 50,000 strong community.
The Managing Director of N-HYPPADEC Alhaji Sadiq Yelwa attributed the early completion of the water scheme to the interest shown in the project by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator George Akume, “whose dedication to the welfare of Nigerians aligns perfectly with the mission of N-HYPPADEC”.
Yelwa also said the completion of the projects, “is a vital step in fulfilling President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda,” saying “This agenda places a premium on improving human life and ensuring water supply across every nook and cranny of our dear country”.
He also said at the commissioning of the project that: “The support and cooperation we have been enjoying from the Niger State government has been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition.”
”The voices of these esteemed leaders were the catalyst for this project. They brought the plight of New Bussa to our attention. This project is a testament to the impact of their effective leadership and representation,” Yelwa said, adding that: “Today, we bring hope to New Bussa, this hope is now a tangible reality that will flow from every tap in this town”.
Yelwa assured that the water to be supplied by the rehabilitated station “conforms to World Health Organization (WHO) standards.”
The traditional ruler of Borgu Kingdom Alhaji Mohammed Sani Haliru Dantoro recalled what his subjects had to go through for over half a century saying that the plight of the people started about 60 years ago “when the impoundment of our lands commenced in the early 1960s to make way for the Kainji lake, dam and power station”.
He said “The people of Old Bussa were promised the most basic of human necessities by the Nigerian government through the Kainji Dam Authority, including the provision of potable water but regretted that: “Whereas Old Bussa was located right on the banks of River Niger, New Bussa to which our people were resettled, is as far as 10km away from the shores of Kainji lake, where waters are stagnant and therefore not ideal for human consumption.
“That the residents of New Bussa and environs endured the lack of potable water for over half a century is an indication of the patriotic zeal and maturity of Borgu people,” Dantoro said, stressing that: “This lack of potable water for such a long time evokes even more emotive feelings, considering the presence of Nigeria’s largest lake in Borgu.”
Dantoro also threw up another problem his subjects have been battling with till today which is the “non-connection of major Borgu towns to electric power supply despite the siting of the Kainji Power Station in Borgu territory.”
Inaugurating the project, Senator George Akume described it as “an important milestone in the journey of the present administration, under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu towards improving living standards and attaining sustainable development.”
Senator Akume who was represented by the Minister of State for Agriculture Senator Sabi Abdullahi, who coincidentally is an indigine of Borgu Kingdom, conceded that for quite a while, the people of New Bussa had grappled with the challenge of accessing clean potable water.” He stressed that: “This basic necessity, which many take for granted elsewhere, has been a luxury for far too long in this community but the government has heard your concerns. We listened, and we acted.”
“The rehabilitation of the New Bussa water scheme is not simply about revamping old infrastructure and building additional structures; it is about transforming lives,” the SGF said.
He added that with the completion and commissioning of the water scheme., “Mothers will no longer have to worry about the safety of the water they give their children, hours previously spent fetching water can now be dedicated to education, farming, business and family.”
He stressed that the improved water supply would boost public health and reduce the incidence of water-borne diseases.
A very appreciative Niger State Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago was optimistic that the project would “bring to an end the perennial water problem experienced in New Bussa and environs over the years.

The governor said: ”The provision of sustainable potable water at people’s disposal remains the driving force of socioeconomic development in every society.”
Bago however said the water sector was very expensive and to ensure supply of portable water to the public, there should be investments from both the public and the private sector, adding that his administration “is leveraging on such partnerships to achieve our goals in the sector.”
The renovated and expanded water works which cost over N2.1billion has capacity to supply 60,000 people 10 million cubic litres of water daily.
The facility has also been provided with water treatment chemicals and other mechanical needs for at least one year.
What is required is for the beneficiaries, Borgu LG and the Niger State Government to sustain the investments for the benefit of their people.

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