How Educational Games Are Shaping Learning in Nigeria

Iyke Bede writes that the EdTech sector in Nigeria is also growing, with new apps addressing educational disparities

Formal education typically involves students receiving verbal instructions from a teacher. The degree to which students engage with the material and develop an interest in solving problems can vary depending on the teacher’s approach. Traditional methods of instruction are now being complemented by educational gaming, which offers a more engaging and interactive learning experience.

Educational games, which blend learning with play, have been making waves around the world. 

These video games are designed to teach specific subjects or skills, making complex concepts easier to understand and more engaging. Topics range from Mathematics and Science to language skills and coding.

Research indicates that personalised digital educational games improve students’ learning outcomes, satisfaction, and overall enjoyment of the learning process. A study by Youling Li, Di Chen, Xinxia Deng, and José Gutiérrez-Pérez, published in PLoS One (2024), highlights this. 

The research highlights that digital educational games can significantly boost students’ motivation.

The study found that games like SimCity and the Kerbal Space Program positively impact learning motivation. SimCity helps students understand urban planning, while the Kerbal Space Program provides insights into aerospace principles. These immersive learning environments enhance student engagement and motivation.

Li’s research surveyed 434 students from three universities in Thailand, using statistical analysis to explore the effects of these games. 

The findings indicate that educational games are most effective when paired with a supportive digital environment. This research supports the notion that interactive and rewarding learning experiences lead to better student engagement. It illustrates how games like SimCity and Kerbal Space Program can enhance educational outcomes by offering contextualised and stimulating learning experiences.

While progress in adopting educational games is slow in Nigeria, there are notable advancements. 

Nexford University, an online institution, integrates gamified learning into its programmes to boost student interest. Similarly, private tertiary universities, like the African Leadership University, have used virtual reality to enhance learning since 2016.

The EdTech sector in Nigeria is also growing, with new apps addressing educational disparities. For example, uLessons, developed by Sim Shagaya, offers interactive games and tutorial videos for secondary school students.

The Ministry of Education has also made strides by introducing programmes to enhance learning through technology. Initiatives like the Smart School Initiatives, which use tablets and digital resources, and the Digital Literacy and Skills Development Programmes aim to effectively integrate technology into the classroom.

EStars, an educational eSports platform founded by Mags Byrne, is a novel development in Nigeria’s educational landscape. EStars bridges eSports and education, teaching students about business and career prospects within the eSports sector.

Byrne said, “We are not just teaching them to be gamers. We are teaching them about business, jobs, and career prospects, using our qualifications as reference points for universities.”

However, several challenges remain in the widespread adoption of educational games in Nigeria. Technological barriers, such as limited access to computers and reliable internet, pose significant obstacles. Additionally, some educators may resist these new methods, preferring traditional approaches. Addressing these issues requires substantial investment in infrastructure, comprehensive teacher training, and thoughtful integration of educational games into the curriculum.

Educational gaming represents an exciting development in Nigerian education. By making learning more interactive and engaging, these games have the potential to overcome some of the limitations of traditional teaching methods. As Nigeria continues to explore and implement these innovative approaches, educational games could play a crucial role in creating a more dynamic and effective learning environment for students across the country.

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