First Nigeria’s AI Development Centre is Set to Debut in Abuja

Kuni Tyessi in Abuja

In a bid to catch up with the rest of the world in technology, the first Artificial Intelligence Development Centre in Nigeria is set to debut in Abuja by the Shamsudeen Usman Foundation.
The centre, which is committed to advancing skills, innovation, and economic development through AI, will be formally launched on September 26, alongside the foundation’s official inauguration and the release of a new book edited by former Minister of Finance as well as Budget and National Planning, Dr. Shamsudeen Usman.

The Shamsudeen Usman Foundation was founded by his children to continue his legacy in education and technological advancement, hence the target on AI.
Speaking at a press conference in Abuja yesterday, Chairman of the Planning Committee, Sadiq Usman, highlighted the importance of the AI centre,
He said, “To honour his impactful life and leave a legacy for future generations, Dr. Usman’s children recently founded and registered a foundation known as the Shamsudeen Usman Foundation that is dedicated to the promotion of education in the country,” he stated.

The upcoming book titled: ‘Public Policy and Agent Interests: Perspectives from the Emerging World’, co-authored by Dr. Usman with other prominent Nigerians, including the Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, and former Statistician-General of the National Bureau of Statistics, Yemi Kale, will also be unveiled during the launch and the proceeds from the book will support the foundation’s work.
Usman emphasised the critical role of AI in national advancement, noting that its implementation could help Nigeria narrow the gap with more advanced nations and maintain global competitiveness.

He stated, “It’s an emerging science. When you look at your AI models, they are only being developed now. Your Chat GPT, 3 or version 4, these are things that have gone through tremendous progress in two years or less than two years.”

“It presents a unique opportunity for us, we feel as Nigerians, to leapfrog because even in the way people learn, students learn, even in the type of work that will be available to them in the future. The learning of AI and the opportunities that AI presents will be very significant.”
The AI and Technology Development Centre is set to become a cornerstone of Nigeria’s educational and technological landscape, positioning the nation at the forefront of AI innovation in Africa.

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