Onyeka: Fire in Her Belly

Femi Akintunde-Johnson

Two Saturdays ago, we had two journalists-guests on our weekend radio talkshow to reminisce about the shocking and remarkable passage of Nigerian singer, composer, and of many other parts, Onyeka Onwenu. Both journalists (Charles Okogene and Azuh Arinze) have spent decades covering the Nigerian entertainment space, and have had close professional contact with the “Elegant Stallion” (as the Nigerian media fondly calls her). One question prompted this article: “Onyeka – from experience – was not an easy person to deal with; how did you manage your relationship with her, and were there any regrets?”

 Each person answered as best as he could spare, while unconsciously skirting the African philosophy of “don’t speak ill of the dead”, supposedly. That scenario prompted this article. An aspect of Onyeka Onwenu that only some of her compatriots and associates knew and dread (or loved) depending on the circumstance.

This particular circumstance was provided by a visit to our defunct television show, FAJ-Alive (a live issue-oriented weekly talkshow on Lagos Television). On the last day of April 2017, the songstress and politician graced our show, and delivered an hour long denunciations of the activities and actions of a rival musical copyright collecting society, and its main operative (her longtime colleague and countryman) amidst other topics of interest. She spoke like one with fire in her belly.

Apparently miffed by some of Onyeka’s statements, few days after the televised diatribe, a warning letter was fired in her direction by lawyers to the then and current Chairman of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Chief Tony Okoroji – the anvil head which Onyeka used in knocking some of her arguments into shape. Here is the letter, unedited:

“Dear Ms Onwenu,

Re: Your Recent Defamatory Statements Against Chief Tony Okoroji

We are solicitors to Chief Tony Okoroji (hereinafter referred to as ‘our client’) and on whose instructions we write to you.

It has come to the attention of our Client that despite two judgements against you for defamatory statements against our Client, which you are yet to comply with, and for which you may be liable to be committed to prison, you have resumed to attack the person of our Client with false statements and innuendos.

We have the instructions of our Client to inform you in very strong terms that our Client will never be tired of bringing suit after suit against you for as long as (you) stay on your maliciously chosen path.

In the event that you publish or make one more defamatory statement against our Client, we shall perfect our Client’s instructions by once more instituting legal action against you. We hope that good reason will prevail.

A word is indeed enough for the wise.

Yours faithfully,

Pp: CREATIVE LEGAL, Seun Omotoba & Co.

Justin Ige

Managing Partner”.

Of course, and just as swiftly, Onyeka – in her personal capacity – returned “fire for fire” with a fairly long riposte. Here again, unedited:

“Subject: Re: Your Recent Defamatory Statements Against Chief Tony Okoroji – Without Prejudice. 

Your letter on the above matter refers. Permit me to state the obvious.  

Your Client’s harassment of Onyeka Onwenu has now become an obsession. Let it be known that I cannot be cowered and will not submit to threats. 

If the objective is to shut me up and prevent me from expressing myself, you will continue to fail. 

Self expression is a basic human right. It is also my responsibility to comment on matters that concern the Entertainment Industry which I helped build up and which I am fully engaged in. I am not afraid of your law suits. You should know that by now. 

This is the second threatening letter you have addressed to me, on the instruction of your Client, Mr Tony Okoroji. 

May I add that you and both of you are beginning to look ridiculous with these threats of law suits, every time I speak on issues concerning COSON. It would appear to a discerning mind that you probably have nothing better to do. 

Mr Ige, why is your Client so afraid of Onyeka Onwenu that he is prepared to go to any length to shut her up. Does it have anything to do with the fact that she speaks the truth? 

You are a COSON lawyer, paid with money I earn as a Musician. Do you not see something morally wrong with your being involved in these harassment and Legal rascality of taking me to Court anytime I exercise my right to express myself, even in the process of answering a reporter’s question? However, it is acceptable for your Client to put out Press releases and make public statements about his cases against me. 

Who does Tony Okoroji think he is and what gives him the right to stop me from commenting on an issue that concerns me. 

Tony Okoroji’s obsession with Onyeka Onwenu took a dangerous turn when he accused me of planning to send hired assassins after him, at a COSON Board meeting in 2012, in the presence of other Board Members. I responded by pointing out that he may be trying to deflect suspicions by making the accusation first, of something he was planning to do himself. 

Not long afterwards, there were four attempts made to harm me by unknown persons who followed me home. This matter was fully investigated by the Police who questioned Tony Okoroji about his “hired assassins” accusation at the board meeting. Your Client shamelessly denied ever making such an accusation. 

On that day, any respect I still had for Tony Okoroji, quickly evaporated. 

Please tell your Client that enough is enough at this stage. He should leave me alone and face his business of being a life long Chairman of the COSON Board. 

If he thinks that the public, indeed the Nigerian people, are not aware of his unrelenting jealousy of Onyeka Onwenu, he should think again. 

At a recent Public Event, your Client mentioned my name three times in a two minute speech where he donated One Hundred Thousand naira, informing the audience that Onyeka Onwenu would probably write a Petition against him for making the donation. 

I have never written a Petition against Tony Okoroji. Perhaps I should sue him for those statements. Please tell your Client to leave me alone. 

You may sue me for even breathing but what I know and Mr Okoroji should know too, is that I am a child of God. I have my plate full with positive things to do. Okoroji is not important enough to divert my attention and focus from the really important things in life. I have no room in my heart or mind for hateful scheming. 

I wish both you and your Client well but I will not hesitate to defend myself or speak my mind on issues of mutual concern, particularly when asked to comment or feel the need to. 

You simply cannot shut me up. All that Tony Okoroji needs to do is conduct himself well and above board on COSON matters, as long as he is Chairman of Board and I am a member of that CMO. 

Thank you for your kind attention. 

God bless.

Onyeka Onwenu (MFR)”

  That was seven years ago – surely, time has somewhat settled the matter.

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