NerdzFactory Foundation, Access Launch ‘DigiSafe’ Initiative in Lagos, Ilorin Schools

In response to the growing concerns about online safety, particularly among young people, the NerdzFactory Foundation has joined forces with Access to launch a transformative initiative called the “DigiSafe Programme.”

The project, designed to equip secondary school students in Lagos and Ilorin, Kwara State, with the necessary tools to navigate the digital world safely, reflects a crucial step towards addressing the myriad risks that come with increased internet usage among youth.

The digital age offers immense opportunities, but it also brings a host of dangers, especially for young, impressionable minds.

From cyberbullying to exposure to inappropriate content, the potential threats online are varied and significant. Recognizing the urgent need to educate the younger generation about these risks, the DigiSafe Programme was developed with the primary goal of fostering a well-informed and cautious generation.

The initiative does more than just raise awareness, it empowers students to take charge of their digital lives, ensuring they are not just passive users but proactive protectors of their online identities.

The DigiSafe Programme adopts a multi-faceted approach to online safety education, targeting both students and teachers for a holistic impact.

The initial phase of the program involves direct engagement with students across various secondary schools.

Here, digital literacy experts lead interactive sessions designed to be both engaging and informative.

These sessions aim to provide students with a solid understanding of online safety, covering essential topics such as protecting personal information, recognizing potential threats, and understanding the importance of digital etiquette.

Beyond the student-focused sessions, the programme also includes a specialized “Training of Trainers” (TOT) initiative aimed at teachers. This component is crucial as it equips educators with the tools and knowledge necessary to deliver online safety education effectively.

By training teachers, the DigiSafe Programme ensures that the lessons on online safety are not only introduced during the program but are also reinforced throughout the students’ academic journey. This approach helps create a sustained and impactful learning environment where online safety becomes a regular part of the curriculum.

A particularly innovative aspect of the DigiSafe Programme is the inclusion of an essay competition.

This competition encourages students to express their understanding of online safety through creative writing.

It serves a dual purpose: it allows students to showcase their knowledge while also motivating them to think critically about the challenges and solutions related to online safety.

The competition is designed to inspire students to engage deeply with the topic, and top-performing schools will be recognized and awarded, further incentivizing participation.

Since its launch, the DigiSafe Program has already made significant strides. Over 4,000 students across 12 secondary schools in Ilorin have participated in the programme through school assemblies.

The next phase will focus on more intensive teacher training sessions and in-depth student workshops, culminating in the eagerly anticipated essay competition.

The Director of NerdzFactory Foundation, Ade Olowojoba, underscored the importance of the initiative, emphasizing that in today’s digital era, young people must be well-informed about the risks they face online.

He expressed confidence that the DigiSafe Programme would leave a lasting impact, empowering students to navigate the digital world with confidence and caution.

Both NerdzFactory Foundation and Access are committed to the continued success of the DigiSafe Programme and are eager to witness its positive impact on the students of Lagos and Ilorin.
As the programme continues to roll out, it stands as a vital tool in the mission to create a safer digital environment for the next generation.

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