Islamic Organisation gives award to Reps Ado Doguwa for contribution to Islam

An Islamic Organisation, Ansar-Ud-Deen Youth Association of Nigeria Abuja Branch has given an award to a member representing Doguwa/Tudun Wada Federal Constituency in Kano State, Rt. Hon Alhassan Ado Doguwa for his outstanding contribution to the cause of Islam and services to humanity.

Ansar-Ur-Deen which is an Islamic organization has existed for 101 years, its youth arm, Abuja chapter while celebrating their 21 year anniversary with a topic: “The Role of Muslim Youths in Building a peaceful Economy”, praised the lawmaker for his financial and moral support for the organization over the years.

In his speech at the occasion on Saturday in Abuja, the Chairman of Ansar-Ur-Deen Youth Organisation of Nigeria, ADYAN, Abdulwakeel Abdulsalami emphasized on purposeful time management as a youth before a time comes when they will be too engaged to serve God.

In his words, “Your youthful age before old age and your time before you get busy”, Abdulsalami, urge the youth muslim ummah to use their time to engage in meaningful adventures.

“I will like to draw our attention to our of the lectures delivered by our guest association, Prof. Imam Musa Olaofe and I quote, “We should take advantage of five things, before five things will come”, but I can only mention two that concerns us as a youth, your youthful age before old age and your time before you will be busy”.

“If the two is not well managed before we attain adulthood, we cannot get back again. Let us maximize our time. It is a statement of fact that youths of today face a lot of challenges ranging from joblessness, temptation, drug abuse, and social media distraction among others.

“I urge us to be wary of hypocrites in the course of discharging our duties. Please do not associate with the disbelievers and hypocrites because you will share from their calamities when the time comes.

“Let us shun temptation of materialism, let us be sincere with Allah and let us continue to put trust only in Allah. Moreover, despite the challenges. I am happy that we have begun the activities of 21st anniversary with Quran quiz competition between the divisions and branch, visitation and motherless home.”

Meanwhile, Hon. Doguwa who has been in the lower legislative Chamber for six times donated the sum of N5 million, while his associate and a friend donated the sum of N2 million for the purchase of a bus for propagation of Islam.

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