Kola-Olusanya: Why Varsities Must Modernise, Expand Facilities to Align with Current Educational Trends

Anthony Kola-Olusanya is a professor of environmental sustainability and former deputy vice-chancellor of academics, research, innovation, and partnerships at Osun State University. In this interview with Funmi Ogundare, he explained why it is critical for institutions to modernise and expand their facilities to align with current educational trends and technological advancements  essential for meeting academic goals and programme needs and that such investments will go a long way in delivering quality education and supporting pioneering research, thereby achieving world-class standards

What constitutes quality at the level of tertiary institutions, and in what ways can quality be interpreted?

Quality at tertiary institutions is multifaceted and can be interpreted through various lenses, including academic and research excellence, faculty engagement, student satisfaction, and the availability of robust infrastructure and support services. One key aspect is academic excellence, which includes rigorous curricula, innovative teaching methods, and the availability of diverse programmes that meet industry and societal needs. High-quality institutions typically exhibit strong graduation rates and successful career placements for their graduates. Research output is another critical component. Quality institutions are often leaders in their fields, contributing significantly to knowledge through high-impact publications, patents, and collaborations with industry. The presence of well-funded research programs and opportunities for students to engage in research activities also signal a high-quality institution. Academic staff qualifications and engagement are essential indicators of quality, in this number of academic staff with PhDs is critical. It is apposite to state that institutions with highly qualified, experienced, and actively engaged academic staff who are leaders in their respective fields tend to offer better educational experiences. It is also important for academic staff to be involved in professional development, and their accessibility to students also plays a crucial role in ensuring high education standards. Student satisfaction and support services are vital in interpreting quality.

The provision of robust support services, including counselling, career services, extracurricular activities, and a vibrant campus life, tends to lead to higher student satisfaction rates. These services help foster a conducive learning environment and holistic student development. Modern infrastructure and resources such as state-of-the-art laboratories, well-stocked libraries with a mix of recent and rare books and journal collections, and technology are critical for maintaining high educational standards. It is imperative for institutions to continuously invest in upgrading their facilities and resources to be better positioned to provide quality education and support cutting-edge research to attain a world-class standard. Within the Nigerian university ecosystem, to ensure quality is upheld across the spectrum of universities, the National Universities Commission (NUC) routinely and periodically appraises the situation to ensure universities live up to standards through accreditation and re-accreditation processes.

What key indicators do you believe represent quality in a tertiary institution, and how do you prioritise them?

Key quality indicators in tertiary institutions include academic excellence, research output, faculty qualifications, student support services, and infrastructure. Prioritising these indicators depends on the specific goals and mission of the institution. While all these indicators are essential, prioritising them requires balancing immediate educational needs with long-term institutional goals. Typically, academic excellence and faculty quality are prioritized to establish a strong educational foundation, followed by research output and infrastructure to enhance the institution’s capabilities and reputation.

Student support services are also critical to ensure a well-rounded educational experience. In this sense, I will broadly categorise this into three, which are a strong educational foundation, institutional capabilities and reputation as well as student support and engagement. Educational foundation is a top priority and speaks to the combination of academic excellence and academic staff qualifications as the core function of any tertiary institution is to provide high-quality education. It can be measured through the rigour of curricula, student-to-lecturer ratios, and graduates’ success in the job market. Prioritizing a strong educational foundation ensures that students receive a robust and relevant education that prepares them for future challenges. Further, the quality of academic staff in terms of how highly qualified and experienced faculty members enhance the learning experience and contribute to the institution’s academic reputation ensures that students benefit from their expertise and mentorship. The second indicator is institutional capabilities and reputation, in this sense, refers to the combination of research output and Infrastructure as critical indicators for many institutions, especially research universities.

This includes the number and impact of publications, research grants obtained, and contributions to advancements in various fields. Prioritising research fosters innovation and maintains the institution’s reputation in the academic and scientific communities. State-of-the-art facilities, including libraries, laboratories, and technology, support both learning and research activities, ensuring students and faculty can access the necessary resources to excel.The third indicator is student support services, and this speaks to the availability and quality of student support services, such as academic advising, mental health counselling, career services, and extracurricular activities, which are vital and contribute to student satisfaction and success, making them a key priority for institutions that aim to provide a holistic educational experience.

How does academic excellence contribute to the overall quality of a tertiary institution?

Academic excellence significantly contributes to the overall quality of a tertiary institution by setting a high standard for education, fostering intellectual growth, and ensuring student success. Institutions known for academic excellence typically offer rigorous and relevant curricula that challenge and prepare students for their careers and bigger experiences after graduation. This emphasis on high academic standards attracts motivated students and academic staff, creating a vibrant learning environment. Moreover, academic excellence helps to drive the institution’s national and global reputation. Universities with strong academic programmes are often recognised in rankings and by employers, enhancing their prestige. This recognition, in turn, helps attract top-tier students and academic staff, thus creating a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. Furthermore, academic excellence also promotes critical thinking, innovation, and research. By providing a solid educational foundation, institutions enable students to engage deeply with their disciplines, encouraging the pursuit of new knowledge and solutions to real-world problems.

This focus on excellence ensures that graduates are well-prepared, adaptable, and capable of significantly contributing to their fields. Largely, academic excellence supports the institution’s mission and long-term goals. It aligns with the core purpose and values of the founding fathers and stakeholders, which is to educate and empower individuals to be globally relevant and competitive. By prioritising academic excellence, institutions ensure they fulfil their role in society, producing graduates who are knowledgeable, ethical, and socially responsible.

How do you gather and analyse student feedback to assess satisfaction and improve quality?

Gathering and analysing student feedback to evaluate satisfaction and improve quality involves several steps. First, create comprehensive surveys that cover various aspects of the student experience, such as teaching quality, course content, support services, and campus facilities. Ensure the surveys include quantitative (e.g., rating scales) and qualitative (e.g. open-ended responses) to capture detailed feedback. Second, distribute these surveys regularly, such as at the end of each semester, through online platforms to ensure broad participation. Encourage honest and constructive feedback by assuring students of the anonymity and confidentiality of their responses. Thereafter, the collected data is analysed using statistical software to identify trends and patterns. Quantitative data can be summarized using descriptive statistics, while qualitative responses can be categorised into themes through content analysis.

Look for recurring issues and areas where satisfaction is either high or low. Third, insights gained from the analysis are used to develop actionable improvement plans. For example, if feedback indicates dissatisfaction with specific courses, work with academic staff to review and enhance the curriculum. If support services are lacking, allocate resources to bolster these areas. Communicate the changes made in response to feedback to the student body, demonstrating that their input is valued and leads to tangible improvements. This iterative approach ensures that the institution remains responsive to student needs and continually enhances the quality of education and services.

What strategies do you implement to ensure that infrastructure and facilities meet the standards of quality expected by students and faculty?

Regular assessments and upgrades are essential to ensure that infrastructure and facilities meet the standards of quality expected by students and academic and non-academic staff. Routine inspections and audits are conducted to evaluate the condition and functionality of lecture rooms, laboratories, libraries, offices and other facilities. These assessments help to identify areas needing maintenance or improvement. There is also the need to engage continuously with students and staff to gather feedback on the existing infrastructure. Understanding the student’s needs and preferences is essential in that it helps the institutions prioritise upgrades and improvements that will have the most significant impact.

There is also the need to invest in modernizing and expanding facilities based on the latest educational trends and technological advancements. This might include upgrading IT infrastructure, installing state-of-the-art lab equipment, and creating collaborative workspaces. Ensure that these enhancements align with the institution’s academic goals and the needs of its programs. At the core of ensuring infrastructures and facilities meet standards is the implementation of a long-term facilities management plan that includes scheduled maintenance, renovations, and future development projects. This proactive approach helps prevent facilities from becoming outdated and ensures that they remain conducive to learning and research while ensuring that all facilities comply with safety and accessibility standards. 

Environmental sustainability is still an issue in our clime, how do you think the industries can contribute to the green economy and ensure sustainability to impact the people?

Industries can contribute to the green economy and ensure sustainability by adopting eco-friendly practices and investing in renewable energy. Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power can significantly reduce carbon emissions. This shift, while mitigating climate change, creates new jobs in the green energy sector, benefiting the economy and communities. Another vital contribution is the implementation of sustainable manufacturing processes which focus on minimising waste, recycling materials, and reducing water usage through efficient production techniques. By embracing circular economy principles, companies can also design products that are easier to repair, recycle, or repurpose, thereby reducing the environmental footprint.

In addition, is the local communities and government partnerships which are essential for promoting sustainability. In this wise, industries support community-based environmental projects, such as tree planting, conservation efforts, and educational programs about sustainability. These initiatives foster a culture of environmental stewardship and directly benefit local populations. Another means of ensuring sustainability’s crucial role is the adoption of green supply chain practices. This way, industries reduce their ecological impact by responsibly sourcing materials and ensuring suppliers adhere to environmental standards.

This approach supports sustainable practices globally and builds a reputation for corporate responsibility. Lastly, transparency and reporting on environmental performance help hold industries accountable and build trust with consumers and stakeholders. Transparency and accountability are strengthened through regular publication of sustainability reports and setting measurable goals for reducing emissions and waste, demonstrating a commitment to the green economy, and inspiring others to follow suit.

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