In Eternity’s Embrace: Lasting  Legacy of Madam Lilian Jeremi


On Thursday, August 29, the whispering palms echoed the unspoken sorrows of a grieving world in Sapele, Delta State. The air was thick with the weight of a profound loss as oil magnate, Sholaye Jeremi, heaved beneath the vast Delta sky, not as the titan of industry the world knows, but as a son, enveloped in the quiet agony of farewell. The woman who shaped his existence, the matriarch whose love was his guiding star, was laid to rest, and with her, a piece of his soul journeyed into eternity, writes Lanre  Alfred

Nobody likes funerals. All those flowers decorating a tombstone and eulogies draped across the coffin, like a farewell jewel; amid the hubbub, a full life careens to a close. It is understandable, therefore, that many would gladly shirk appearances at the entombment of a friend or even a close relative.

In light of this, it was humbling to behold the crème de la crème of Nigeria’s high society as they thronged the funeral of Madam Lilian Jeremi who died at the age of 74. As the golden light of dawn bathed the serene streets of Sapele, the town awoke to a day steeped in both reverence and sorrow. The rustling leaves seemed to whisper the name of Madam Lilian Jeremi, a name that carried the weight of an era, a woman whose presence was as enduring as the ancient palms that line the Delta. On Thursday, August 29, the world paused to bid her farewell, as her son, Sholaye Jeremi, the billionaire magnate, wove his grief into a tapestry of memories and prayers, leading a procession that was both grand and heartbreaking.

It was a day when tears became tributaries, flowing into the vast river of remembrance, and where every step taken in her honour resounded with echoes of a love that time itself could never diminish.

Sapele, with its tranquil ambience and lush landscapes, provided a fitting backdrop for the funeral. There is no gainsaying she was the Queen of the Jeremi clan and a doting mother to her children, a title no monarch could claim. Madam Jeremi loved her children very deeply and was prepared to sacrifice her happiness for theirs.

The natives had never been good at silence — they are never known to mourn wordlessly hence they are hardly the type that expressed intense emotions through a hand on the shoulder or a pat on the back— but last Friday, they surpassed themselves. Sapele silently mourned as the nation’s dignitaries thronged its beautiful innards to pay tribute to the beloved mother of one of their own.

In her lifetime, Madam Lilian pulsed with a lambent glow that never seemed to peter out. It brightened her world, bathing everyone that came in contact with her, in her halo. Her humanity transcended tribe and religion and she never cringed when beneficiaries of her humaneness, morphed into an adoring mob. Luminous with uncommon charm, she lived to impart love with a common touch. She assumed a larger-than-life presence in the lives of her loved ones as family, friends, and colleagues converged on her native land, Sapele to bid farewell to the woman who raised great children

The Procession and Service

On the day of the funeral, a majestic procession made its way from the Jeremi residence to the First Baptist Church. The streets were lined with well-wishers and mourners, their faces a blend of sorrow and admiration. The church, draped in white and gold, symbolizing purity and reverence, was filled. The air was thick with the scent of lilies—Madam Lilian’s favourite flower—which adorned her coffin, adding a touch of personal intimacy to the grand ceremony.

Inside the church, the service was marked by solemn hymns and heartfelt eulogies. Pastors and other religious leaders spoke of Madam Lilian’s unwavering faith and her contributions to the church and community. Her children, led by Sholaye, delivered moving tributes that spoke to her role as a mother, a mentor, and a guiding light in their lives.

The quiet amplified the sounds of the cortège as it set out to Madam Jeremi’s final resting place: the rumble of wheels on tarmac, the click of shoe heels on concrete and the soft thud on mother earth tolled at listless intervals. But as the procession came into view, residents of the city, family, neighbours and childhood friends of Madam Jeremi turned out in honour of the deceased.

The roads leading to the Jeremi residence were adorned with banners bearing loving messages and tributes to the mother of billionaire magnate, Sholaye Jeremi, Madam Lilian. The town’s residents, many of whom had been touched by her kindness during her lifetime, lined the streets, creating a solemn yet supportive atmosphere as the funeral procession made its way through.

For Sholaye Jeremi, the journey with his mother to her final resting place was more than a sombre duty; it was a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared. In the eyes of the world, Sholaye may be a man of immense wealth and power, but to those who truly know him, his greatest riches are the lessons of humility, kindness, and love that his mother instilled in him.

As he prepared to say his final goodbye, Sholaye reflected on the profound impact his mother had on his life. Every act of generosity, every gesture of kindness he has shown, is a reflection of her influence—a legacy of love that lives on in him. The tradition they shared, where Sholaye would celebrate his birthday by giving back to the less fortunate, was more than a family ritual; it was a living tribute to a woman who believed that true joy lies in the act of giving.

Madam Lilian, the matriarch whose life was a beacon of faith, love, and generosity, departed this mortal world at the age of 74 after a brief illness. Her passing on May 14, 2024, left a void that no wealth or power could fill, but in the heart of her son, her teachings continue to illuminate the path he walks. As he laid her to rest, Sholaye did so with the knowledge that her spirit lives on in every life he touches, in every act of kindness he performs, and in the legacy of generosity she left behind.

 A Gathering of Titans

The deceased would turn in her grave for the honour and unrivaled show of love that her beloved son attracted for her sake. It was like a state event; there were in attendance a presidential delegation, members of the National Assembly, numerous state governors, and prominent moguls of the business community.

Among the mourners was Chief James Ibori, former governor of Delta State, and his wife, Sename, whose presence underscored the Jeremi family’s deep roots in the region. Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambothe former governor of Gombe state, Aremo Segun Oniru, Raymond Abia, along with Babatunde Agbede and Ken Ayanwu, added to the illustrious gathering, reflecting the widespread influence and connections of the Jeremi family.

The presence of Nigeria’s elite at the funeral was not just a testament to Sholaye Jeremi’s status but also to the respect his mother commanded. Men and women like Terry Waya, Ernest Azudialu, Julius Rone, Chief Leemon Ikpea , Scott Tommey, Obong Akanimo Udofia, Preye Berezi, Timi Alaibe, Greg Uanseru, Ibe Kachikwu, Ruth Osime, Prisca Ndu, Azuka Ogujiuba, Nikky Ogbuefi, and April Hallero, the popular designer, were equally in attendance to share memories of Madam Lilian and console the grieving family.

It was lifting to see the high calibre of guests milling about the church, waiting to get in. The spectators looking on, many of whom had arrived early, excitedly craned their necks to catch glimpses of the celebrities they spotted; as they equally arrived to pay their last respects to a woman whose life was a benchmark for humanity’s finest while she was alive and even in death.

This was a day of remembrance, yes, and a day of grieving. The flood of despair that poured forth triggered a cascade of tears. By the funeral, Sholaye no doubt, delivered a remarkably personal and pointed tribute to his mother’s memory. He noted that though it was not enough to canonize Madam Lilian’s humanity, it was the least he could do to venerate a woman and mother who was passionately inured in her desire to do good for others so she could contribute her quota to improving humanity.

He also described her as someone with natural nobility who proved throughout her existence that she needed no trappings of wealth or fame to generate her particular brand of humanity. 

Throughout the service, it was evident that Madam Lilian’s legacy extended beyond her immediate family. Stories were shared of her quiet acts of charity, of the children she helped send to school, and of the many lives she touched with her generosity.

 Reception at the Athletic Club

After the church service, a reception was held at the prestigious Athletic Club in GRA Sapele. The atmosphere pulsed in lambent chromaticity and reverberant buzz of the high society crowd trooping to the event. So breathtaking was the party and consumption of continental cuisines and drinks that the rivers of champagne and expensive alcoholic drinks thinned to a tributary.  Even the after party still had all the trappings of a gaudy celebration; rows of gourmet food and afterses and non-stop feasting. It was obvious to guests that good money had been expended. Sholaye was up and about attending to guests and ensuring that everybody had their fill while the music of Sugar Band had him swaying and shuffling intermittently.

The venue, known for its exclusivity, was transformed into a space of reflection and celebration. Guests were treated to a banquet that featured both local and international delicacies, a reflection of Madam Lilian’s love for her heritage and her open-heartedness to the world beyond. The reception was a time for sharing stories and remembering a woman who had left an indelible mark on everyone she met.

Amidst the mourning, there was also a celebration—of the life that was lived with purpose and love. As the night wore on, laughter mingled with tears as guests reminisced about the moments they had shared with Madam Lilian. The event was not just a farewell but a reminder of the legacy she left behind, one that would continue to inspire those who knew her.

The Final Farewell

As the night drew to a close, Sholaye Jeremi took a moment to reflect on the day. Surrounded by his friends, business associates, and loved ones, he knew that the day’s events were not just about mourning but about celebrating the life of a woman whose influence would be felt for generations. His final tribute to his mother was not just the grand ceremony but the continuation of the values she had imparted—love, generosity, and the importance of giving back.

The funeral of Madam Lilian Jeremi was a day marked by sorrow, yes, but also by an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. Her life, though ended, had left a legacy that would continue to guide and inspire, particularly through her son, Sholaye Jeremi. As the guests departed and the town of Sapele returned to its quiet rhythm, one truth remained clear—Madam Lilian’s spirit would live on, not just in the hearts of her family but in the countless lives she touched with her kindness and grace.

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