Enhancing Nigeria’s Rice Production: A.R.N Foods Partners with AGI Milltec

To enhance food security in Nigeria, A.R.N Foods Limited has partnered with AGI Milltec, a global leader in grain processing solutions, to improve rice processing in the country.

This collaboration aims to address the longstanding issue of poor quality in locally produced rice, which is often inferior to imported varieties due to inefficient processing techniques.

The partnership was announced during a contract signing event in Lagos, where the founder and CEO of A.R.N Foods, Adelota Nola, emphasised its potential to contribute significantly to solving Nigeria’s food security challenges.

The collaboration will focus on implementing advanced rice processing technologies that can enhance the quality and competitiveness of Nigerian rice.

Currently, research shows that Nigeria faces a rice supply deficit, with only 57 per cent of its annual rice consumption being locally produced while the remaining demand is met through imports.

By leveraging AGI Milltec’s expertise, the partnership aims to improve processing techniques, reduce impurities, and increase the overall quality of locally produced rice, thereby reducing reliance on imports and boosting the local rice industry.

Nola emphasized his commitment to addressing real-world challenges over profit-making. He stated that despite the significant rice deficit in Nigeria, taking initial steps is crucial.

Nola remarked, “The deficit is very large. We can only start from somewhere. If we sleep and say the problems are so much and there is nothing we can do about it, then we will all just continue to sleep.

But if we say we can do a little by taking the first step to solving the problem like we are doing today, then someone from somewhere can emulate what we are doing.”

He believes that collective efforts can eventually resolve the rice deficit issue, adding, “If 100 people try to solve the problem, one day the problem will be solved. We have taken the first step to solving the rice deficit problem in Nigeria.”

Nola’s focus remains on practical solutions to improve food security in Nigeria through innovative partnerships and initiatives.

The Head of the Africa Region of AGI Milltech, Emmanuel del Pozzo, highlighted the company’s expertise and commitment to delivering rice quality that matches the standards Nigerians are accustomed to in imported rice.

He explained that rice quality depends on both the quality of the paddy and the processing methods used.

Del Pozzo noted that traditional processing methods still prevalent in Nigeria often result in lower-quality rice.

With 25 years of experience in the rice milling sector, AGI Milltec is well-acquainted with the Nigerian market’s requirements and aims to bring the same high standards to local rice production.

Del Pozzo assured that their solutions are specifically tailored for Nigeria, aligning with the benchmarks set by A.R.N Foods’ CEO, Adelota Nola, to enhance the quality of locally processed rice.

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