Douyé Youduba on Timeless Music

Vanessa Obioha

Is there any difference between present-day music and the oldies? This was the question Douyé Youduba, the US-based Nigerian jazz vocalist sought to answer in a recent chat.

Youduba, who has gained recognition globally for her sonorous and melodic voice, believes that quality music is timeless.

“Quality music is not bound by time or era. It is a reflection of the human experience, and as long as there are artistes who are passionate about their craft and committed to creating something meaningful, there will always be quality music for us to enjoy and be inspired by,” she said, adding that “Music is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures, and I believe that everyone deserves to experience its power and beauty. By sharing my gift, I hope to spread the message of hope, love, and unity to people all over the world. Whether it’s through a live performance, a recorded album, or a social media post, I believe that every opportunity to share my gift is an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life.”

Youduba has released multiple albums, including “Journey”, “Quatro”, “Daddy Said So”, and “Golden Sekere” which showcase her unique blend of jazz, soul, and pop music.

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