Intn’l Day of Positive Thinking: Bola Matel-Okoh speaks on Unlocking Success in the Nigeria’s Challenging Economy

In a nation grappling with economic uncertainties and widespread challenges, the power of positive thinking has never been more crucial for Nigeria and its citizens. As we commemorate the International Day of Positive Thinking today, September 13th, renowned executive coach and founder of BMO Advisory, Bola Matel-Okoh, sheds light on the transformative role of optimism in navigating career and business success, especially in Nigeria’s current climate.

As we celebrate the International Day of Positive Thinking, can you explain in your own words what positive thinking means, especially in the context of career and business success?

Positive thinking focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive outcomes rather than dwelling on problems or obstacles. In the context of career and business success, it means adopting an optimistic and resilient mindset that sees opportunities even in challenges and encourages proactive problem-solving. It means trusting in one’s abilities and remaining confident about achieving goals despite difficulties.
This attitude not only helps you stay motivated but also sustains long-term success.

In the face of Nigeria’s current economic difficulties, with high inflation and widespread uncertainty, how crucial is positive thinking for career and business success? Can it truly make a difference?

It is absolutely crucial! How you think goes a long way in determining how you respond or react to any situation. Positive thinking will help you see the cup “half-full” as opposed to “half-empty”. This mindset will help you as an entrepreneur or professional adapt to economic changes and keep you grounded in your vision. Positive thinking also allows you to stay mentally resilient, maintain a sense of possibility in the face of adversity, and give you the strength to continue looking for innovative solutions to new challenges.

Can positive thinking alone drive career success, or does it need to be paired with other qualities?

Positive thinking by itself is not sufficient for career success, It is important to channel your positive thinking towards a detailed plan of action. This requires a great deal of intentionality, commitment and hard work. Apart from being a hard worker and possessing strong strategic planning and decision making skills, you must have specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals which will serve as motivators for success in your career or business.

How does a positive mindset impact decision-making, especially when facing difficult choices or setbacks in one’s career or business?

A positive mindset impacts decision-making by encouraging a focus on potential solutions rather than dwelling on problems. It shifts the focus from the problem itself to the possibilities that lie ahead, encouraging solution-oriented thinking. When challenges arise, individuals with a positive mindset are more likely to maintain clarity and composure, allowing them to assess situations objectively and identify opportunities for growth.

This enables individuals to stay aligned with their long-term goals while avoiding reactive or fear-driven decisions. It also promotes a balanced, forward-thinking perspective, enabling leaders to approach complex situations with confidence, creativity, and strategic insight.

Can you share practical tips on how individuals can cultivate a positive outlook even when surrounded by negativity and economic hardship?

One of the most powerful ways to cultivate a positive outlook, even during times of negativity or economic hardship, is through the practice of gratitude. Gratitude shifts your focus to what is working well in your life, which in turn promotes higher productivity, improves sleep, and enhances your ability to manage stress effectively. When you live a life of gratitude and thanksgiving, it actually makes a little seem like a lot and helps you to live a life of peace and contentment.

Equally important is the people you surround yourself with. If you surround yourself with people who have a negative mindset, their negativity will rub off on you. The converse is true, surrounding yourself with people who have a positive mindset goes a long way in helping you have a positive outlook to life.

What role does positive thinking play in fostering innovation and creativity, which are essential for navigating a challenging economic climate?

Positive thinking plays the role of a catalyst for innovation and creativity in these times.
First, it creates a fertile environment where individuals and teams can approach problems with a creative lens whilst remaining open to unconventional solutions.
When guided by a positive outlook, people are more likely to embrace experimentation and view setbacks as valuable learning opportunities rather than insurmountable obstacles. They are able to take calculated risks, explore novel strategies, and continuously adapt in uncertain environments.
In this way, individuals and organizations remain agile, inventive, and ultimately more successful.

How can leaders and entrepreneurs leverage positive thinking to inspire and motivate their teams during difficult periods?

Leaders and entrepreneurs can employ positive thinking to inspire their teams by embodying and modeling optimism themselves. True inspirational leadership is by example and your team will only be inspired by the level of optimism they sense from you as their leader.
Celebrating small victories can significantly boost morale, providing tangible evidence of progress and reinforcing a sense of accomplishment in your team , so this is quite important. When you provide the right guidance and support to your team members, you are further empowering them to navigate obstacles, and providing them with the necessary tools and confidence they need to overcome the challenges they face.

In your experience coaching executive women, have you seen a correlation between positive thinking and career or business resilience, adaptability, and overall growth?

In my extensive experience coaching executive women, I have consistently observed a strong correlation between positive thinking and key factors such as resilience, adaptability, and overall career growth. Women who cultivate an optimistic mindset are notably better at navigating challenges with a solutions-oriented approach, which significantly enhances their abilities to seize new opportunities.

At the Women’s Lifestyle Hub, our mission has always been to empower women to tackle obstacles with optimism, grace, and confidence. We are confident about how this positions them to thrive and achieve sustained success.

Are there specific strategies or techniques you recommend to your clients for maintaining a positive mindset, especially in these times?

Absolutely, there are several effective strategies and techniques I often recommend to my clients for maintaining a positive mindset, particularly in challenging times.

One approach is engaging in regular self-reflection. This practice helps individuals stay attuned to their thoughts and emotions, allowing them to manage their mindset proactively. Coupled with mindfulness exercises, this approach promotes greater awareness and emotional balance, essential for maintaining a positive outlook.

Another crucial technique is goal visualization. By clearly envisioning achievable goals, we can maintain focus and motivation, transforming abstract ambitions into actionable plans. Affirmations are also key. They work on your subconscious mind and the more you practice them, effectively transforming the way you think.

How can positive thinking help individuals overcome self-doubt and build the confidence needed to pursue their career or business goals despite setbacks?

Positive thinking helps overcome self-doubt by reinforcing confidence and self-belief. It allows you to view every situation as a teachable experience, understanding that setbacks are temporary and present opportunities to learn and grow. This perspective will change your outlook and enable you to see setbacks as a learning tool that will help to build resilience and character over time. As an entrepreneur myself, I have been through my share of setbacks in my business and learnt many valuable lessons from them.

What message of hope and encouragement would you like to give to fellow Nigerians who are struggling right now due to the current economic situation?

To fellow Nigerians struggling with the current economic situation, remember that challenges, while daunting, are also opportunities for transformation and innovation. Maintain your optimism and resilience, focus on the small, positive steps you can take each day and support one another. Your efforts and perseverance will not only help you navigate these difficult times, but also contribute to a brighter and assured future for yourself and your community. The key is not to give up!

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