Conference Addresses Extractives Shift to Green Growth

 Omolabake Fasogbon

As Nigeria transitions to a green economy, stakeholders in the extractive industry are convening to explore strategies to navigate the new landscape and redefine their role in driving the transition agenda. 

These stakeholders would be sharing their thoughts at the 13th Sustainability in the Extractive Industries (SITEI ) conference in Lagos, themed, “Extractives for Green Growth: The Strategic Role of Extractives in the Just Transition into an Inclusive Green Economy”.

Convener of SITEI/ Chief Executive of CSR-in-Action, Bekeme Olowola, said SITEI is a platform for meaningful discourse between industry stakeholders, government, civil society, academia, and local communities in addressing critical issues impacting the extractive industries. 

 On the conference theme, Olowola noted that the global shift towards a low-carbon and inclusive economy presents both opportunities and challenges, thus, a timely and necessary topic for discussion in the conference by October. 

“Through SITEI 2024, we aim to explore how extractive industries can adapt their practices and contribute meaningfully to this transition, ensuring that environmental responsibility, social justice, and economic prosperity are achieved in tandem,” she said. 

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