Dauda Lawal: How to Be a Confounding Governor 

Governance in Nigeria is no longer something simple. One needs a tough mind and an innocent heart to pore through the doings of some state leaders. For example, Governor Dauda Lawal. With his actions, it would seem as if no better governor had ever led the people of Zamfara. And then he comes up with a project that causes the eyebrows to rise until they settle above the forehead!

Recently, Governor Lawal approved N3.6 billion to build an ultramodern market in Gusau. Many of his critics quickly wondered if this hefty budget was truly justified. One reason for their stupefaction is that another northern governor reportedly spent billions on just 25 boreholes.

The market project will be executed through a Public-Private Partnership, but the amount still raises eyebrows. Supporters of Lawal’s administration are quick to defend the decision, saying it will boost the local economy. However, critics argue that such an extravagant sum could be better spent on more urgent needs.

Yet, Lawal’s good deeds cannot be ignored. He recently inaugurated the renovated Maru General Hospital, which now offers modern healthcare services. Therefore, it is a bit puzzling that the same governor who is seen as overspending also earns praise for much-needed infrastructure improvements.

An old tale comes to mind: a king who built both lavish palaces and simple wells left his subjects guessing his true priorities. Lawal, like that king, seems to sway between grand projects and essential services. His unpredictability leaves people wondering which version of the governor will appear next.

But, Lawal’s healthcare initiatives have been widely lauded, especially since the hospitals are now equipped to handle advanced medical cases. Lawal also introduced solar power and streetlights to the hospital grounds, enhancing both security and functionality. These actions seem well-grounded and focused on public welfare.

Lawal’s governance is a bit like a puzzle. He doesn’t seem to be the kind of leader who throws money into flashy projects. Instead, he seems to be deeply committed to improving people’s lives. Yet, his actions continue to bewilder, keeping both critics and supporters on their toes.

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