Patience Jonathan: Setting the Record Straight

There is a well-known proverb that says, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Dame Patience Jonathan, once scorned during her husband’s presidency, now stands tall as the voice of reason. In a political landscape where everyone remains silent, she has spoken up to set the record straight.

The rumours of former President Goodluck Jonathan’s return have been circulating for some time. The idea is that Jonathan will return like a triumphant saviour to save Nigerians from the trouble they fixed themselves. Yet, it is Dame Patience who has confidently declared that her husband will not seek the presidency again. Her simple response left no room for doubt: “We are not going in again.”

Many are surprised that the once-dismissed First Lady is now the one to clarify her husband’s political stance. While other political figures remain quiet, Dame Patience has firmly stated that her husband has served his time. She emphasised that they will instead support whoever leads Nigeria next.

In her candid remarks, she reminded Nigerians of her husband’s long and varied political journey. From local government chairman to President, Jonathan has already given his best to the country. For them, there is nothing left to seek in politics.

This clear stance from Dame Patience has silenced much of the speculation. People who once ridiculed her are now appreciating her forthrightness. It takes strength to speak truthfully when so many others would prefer to stay quiet.

Her boldness is a testament to how times have changed. The woman who was once seen as a political liability is now seen as a figure of clarity and leadership. Dame Patience has become, in many eyes, a steady and reliable voice.

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