Billionaire Businesswoman, Aisha Achimugu’s Historic Moment

Over the years, Aisha Achimugu, Group Chief Executive Officer, Felak Concept Group, has bestridden the business world like a colossus.

Achimugu, an embodiment of beauty and brains, has her hands in many pies, including civil, structural and transportation engineering; consultancy/transaction advisory services; maritime and environmental waste management and catering. In all of these, she boasts an enviable clientele from both the private and public sectors. It is a truism that her success stories in all her ventures speak to her penchant for excellence.

The 1998 graduate of Accounting from the University of Jos, Plateau State also holds the ace in philanthropy. For her, the thought of lifting a soul and offering her shoulders for others to lean on is topmost in her mind always.

Apart from the teachings of her faith, which she treasures a great deal, she is also inspired by the words of the famous English writer, John Bunyan, who said, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

No wonder, she has bagged several coveted awards, home and abroad, for her service to humanity.

Her inspiring efforts received a boost and global attention on Saturday, September 14, when she was honoured with the lifetime prestigious President’s Volunteer Achievement Award in Washington DC.

Achimugu couldn’t be happier as the award was presented to her by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden. What can be more honourable than this?

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