A  Cowardly Assault On Honour: Exposing The Lies Against Dr. Bello Matawalle

Malam Muniz Usman

The recent article titled “A Bandit in the Ministry: The Case Against Bello Matawalle,” penned by Professor Abdussamad Umar Jibia, is nothing more than a disgraceful attempt to tarnish the reputation of the Honourable Minister of State for Defence, Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle MON. It is filled with baseless allegations, malicious innuendos, and outright fabrications that seek to undermine the honour and integrity of a man who has dedicated his life to public service.

A Reckless Attack Wrapped in Falsehood

Professor Jibia’s piece is a textbook case of character assassination—thinly veiled as an opinion piece—meant to deceive and misinform the public. The allegations, from the alleged involvement with bandits to the supposed defense of criminals, are nothing short of preposterous innuendos. Let’s dissect these lies for what they are: desperate attempts to twist the narrative against Dr. Matawalle for political reasons.

The professor’s account is filled with inconsistencies, misinformation, and lacks any shred of evidence. His narrative about the turbaning of Ado Aleru and the other sensationalized stories of bandits supposedly receiving Hilux trucks and personal support from Dr. Matawalle is not only false but insulting to the intelligence of the Nigerian people. At no point in his article does Jibia provide credible sources or hard evidence to back up his wild accusations. It is nothing but a hodgepodge of hearsay and rumours recycled to attack a man who has served the country with dignity.

The Devious Role of Sheikh Murtala Bello Asada

In this cowardly attempt to besmirch the good name of Dr. Matawalle, Professor Jibia has found an equally unreliable partner in the form of Sheikh Murtala Bello Asada. Asada, a supposed religious figure, has made a habit of spewing baseless accusations and incendiary comments in public forums. His slanderous claims about Dr. Matawalle’s alleged association with criminals like Turji and Haruna Dole are nothing more than fabrications concocted to incite public outrage. These accusations lack any real basis in fact, and Sheikh Asada’s so-called “evidence” is nothing but the rantings of an opportunist desperate for attention.

Asada’s challenge to Dr. Matawalle to take him to court is laughable, given the complete lack of credibility in his claims. It is high time that figures like Asada are held accountable for the damage they seek to cause by fanning the flames of discord with their unfounded allegations.

Matawalle: A Beacon of Service and Sacrifice

Dr. Bello Matawalle has categorically denied these ridiculous allegations, stating unequivocally, “I have never supported nor fraternized with criminals or bandits in any capacity. My commitment to peace, security, and the welfare of the Nigerian people is unwavering.” His actions as the Governor of Zamfara and now as Minister of State for Defence have been centered around improving security, not undermining it.

As a man who has faced the complex challenges of security in Zamfara State, Dr. Matawalle worked tirelessly to create initiatives aimed at reducing violence and fostering peace. His efforts, while difficult, were borne out of a genuine desire to see an end to the suffering of his people. Those who have closely followed his career know that he has always advocated for a strategic, multifaceted approach to combat insecurity—an approach that prioritizes dialogue, security reinforcement, and community engagement.

It is important to remember that as the Governor of Zamfara, Matawalle inherited a state ravaged by years of neglect and systemic insecurity. To suggest that he, of all people, would align himself with the very criminals wreaking havoc on his people is not only illogical but deeply offensive. Professor Jibia’s attempt to twist this reality is a sad commentary on the lengths some individuals will go to pursue their own agenda.

An Academic in Disgrace

Professor Jibia’s article is not just a reflection of his own desperation but a disgrace to the principles of responsible journalism and academic integrity. Instead of presenting a well-reasoned argument backed by facts, he resorts to tabloid-style sensationalism, effectively turning his platform into a megaphone for baseless conspiracy theories. Such behavior is unbecoming of a man who claims to be a professor. Rather than educate and inform, Jibia has chosen to deceive and mislead, abandoning the ethics of truth and fairness.

What’s even more appalling is the professor’s call for Dr. Matawalle to be removed from the Ministry of Defence on the basis of unsubstantiated claims. Jibia’s suggestions are as reckless as they are unfounded. His eagerness to cast aside due process and throw around accusations without any legal backing exposes his true intentions: to sow confusion and chaos.

The Truth Must Prevail

In times like these, it is essential that we, as Nigerians, remain vigilant against the forces of misinformation and slander. Dr. Matawalle has shown himself to be a man of integrity, focused on the safety and security of the nation. The Honourable Minister is fully committed to his duties in the Ministry of Defence and will continue to work with the Armed Forces to eradicate banditry and terrorism in all its forms.

To Professor Jibia and his fellow conspirators, we say this: your lies will not stand the test of time. The Nigerian people are smarter than you think. They will see through your desperate attempts to discredit a man who has served his country with honour and still serving and dazzling in his assignments. As for Sheikh Asada, his theatrics may earn him a few moments of attention, but truth and justice will ultimately prevail.

Dr. Matawalle remains focused on his mission, undistracted by the baseless accusations thrown his way. As the Minister has said, “My conscience is clear, my hands are clean, and I will not be deterred by those who seek to distract us from the urgent work of securing our nation.”

A Call for Unity and Accountability

As a nation, we must rise above these cheap attacks and rally behind leaders like Dr. Bello Matawalle who are working day and night to ensure the safety and prosperity of Nigeria. We must demand accountability from those who seek to poison the public discourse with lies, and we must hold individuals like Professor Jibia and Sheikh Asada responsible for the damage their falsehoods attempt to inflict on our national unity.

Dr. Matawalle’s service to Nigeria is far from over, and his commitment to the cause of security will continue to inspire hope for a brighter, safer future for all Nigerians.

•Malam Muniz Usman is a Public Analyst/ Opinion Perceptionist.

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