Dexdee Golf Resort Set to Thrill Guests at Lifestyle Event in November

Bennett Oghifo

The second edition of the lifestyle event hosted annually by the high profile luxury leisure real estate facility known as Dexdee Golf Resort is set to hold in November. 

The maiden edition, which was held in November last year, practically swept guests off their feet.

According to the CEO  of  Dexdee Golf Resort, Engr. Desmond Odiase (MNSE), the golf resort has been positioned as a one-stop center for leisure, entertainment and creativity, as well as training. 

The prestigious Dexdee lifestyle November 2023 Event, was a huge success and this year’s event will be no less spectacular, Odiase stated.

“The major sponsors were Airtel, Guinness/Dubic and Genesis Cinema. Dexdee Golf Resort is nestled in an unspoilt picturesque landscape at Ekae GRA, in the ancient Benin Kingdom, Edo State, which is 35 minutes by flight from Lagos and 45  minutes from Abuja, being one of the busiest/ oldest airports in Nigeria.”

This year’s 3-day lifestyle event will feature: 60 golfers from around the country; 30 power bikers from around Nigeria; 30 lawn tennis players; 20 Models & fashionistas; 30 Scrabble players.

According to Odiase, “Our second edition of the prestigious Dexdee lifestyle event is coming up in November 22nd – 24th 2024 at our Dexdee Golf Resort, Ekae GRA in Benin, City, and we would like you to partner with us in sponsoring any of the 4-categories namely: Platinum N100m, Gold N75m, Silver N50m & Bronze N25m. Sponsorship of any of these categories would enhance your competitive advantage in Edo State, Delta State & beyond.

“Dexdee golf resort has been positioned as a one stop center for leisure, entertainment & creativity and training laid out in a picturesque landscape.

“It’s nestled in an unspoilt landscape at Ekae Gra; in the ancient Benin Kingdom Edo state, which is 35 mins by flight from Lagos and 45 mins from Abuja, being one of the busiest/ oldest airports in Nigeria.”

The Dexdee lifestyle event would be the biggest event in Benin in recent times and sponsoring such an event would enhance your brand equity.

“Our lifestyle event would resonate with your audience, Governments, High networth individuals, Corporate Companies, and this would give you a greater customer appeal. It would also be a perfect opportunity to showcase your CSR certification as a company interested in the lifestyles of her customers.

“We would use the print, electronic & social media platforms to amplify the event, pre, during & post-event giving you greater mileage. Souvenirs shall be co branded. This would create a buzz in Benin, Edo and Delta and beyond for your numerous and potential customers.”

The November 2023 event showcased 40 golfers from around the country, 30 power bikers, as some rode from Maiduguri, Port Harcourt, Abuja and many other cities.

There were also 40 tennis players, fashion models, scrabble players as most of the activities were outdoor.

It was a perfect opportunity to herald the closure of the year dove-tailing into Christmas and New year.

Engr. Odiase said, “Our lifestyle event resonates with High networth individuals, Corporate Companies. Over 400 guests also came for a tour of the Resort, leading to a greater customer appeal for the sponsors, and a perfect opportunity to showcase their CSR certifications as companies interested in the lifestyles of their customers.

“The second edition comes up this November 22nd- 24th 2024. It provides another opportunity for companies to showcase their products, meet new customers, develop more strategic insights in navigating markets so as to enhance customer loyalty and brand equity.”

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