There is need to deploy artificial intelligence technology responsibly,writes Sonny Aragba-Akpore

Apart from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) which has put in place some ground rules in the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning(ML),and the International Standard Organisation (ISO),which has also put together semblance of ethics for AI ,there are ongoing advocacies for entrenchment of ethics to minimize abuse of the use of AI across global communities.

AI ethics are the moral principles that companies and individuals use to guide responsible and fair development and use of AI.

Although there’s currently no wide-scale governing body to write and enforce these rules, many technology companies have adopted their own version of AI ethics or an AI code of conduct.

AI ethics are the set of guiding principles that stakeholders (from engineers to government officials) use to ensure artificial intelligence technology is developed and used responsibly. This means taking a safe, secure, humane, and environmentally friendly approach to AI.

A strong AI code of ethics can include avoiding bias, ensuring privacy of users and their data, and mitigating environmental risks. Codes of ethics in companies and government-led regulatory frameworks are two main ways that AI ethics can be implemented. By covering global and national ethical AI issues, and laying the policy groundwork for ethical AI in companies, both approaches help regulate AI technology.

  Only last week the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC)  declared its readiness to deploy Artificial Intelligence (AI) to fight corruption in Nigeria.

The ICPC Chairman, Dr Musa Aliyu (SAN), was quoted as saying on the sideline of the National Anti-Corruption Coalition (NACC) Members Hybrid Interactive Forum in Abuja, September 19, 2024.

Aliyu said the ICPC would deploy technological measures, especially AI, to unravel corrupt practices easily.

The ICPC boss disclosed that within 24 hours, the commission recovered about N4 billion stolen by public officeholders.

  He said “I want to underscore the potential of technological solutions in promoting accountability and good governance.

Without sounding immodest, we hope the ICPC’s boss is not dwelling on rhetoric or grandstanding as AI implementation has its dangers and booby traps for practitioners especially when it comes to matters of ethics and standards.

Does the anti corruption body have enough hands on training for its officials to drive AI in combating crimes in the country?

The ICPC explained that “It is alarming to see how much money is being misappropriated, and some individuals have billions of naira in their possession for personal gain.

“It is a shocking reality that people are hoarding public funds, instead of using them for the benefit of the nation.

“As a commission, we are utilising technology and management systems to restore confidence in the fight against corruption.

“We are committed to ensuring transparency in this endeavour.”

The ICPC boss further stated that there were systemic flaws in the country, especially on public spending. He said there was a need to invest in technology that could help minimise the challenges of corruption, particularly in public procurement.“By implementing tech-driven processes, we can reduce practices like contract inflation,”he said.“Using technologies like blockchain can help eliminate manipulation and ensure the integrity of public procurement.”

But this remains work in progress.

Last week,a clear perspective on the dangers of AI was revealed by knowledgeable experts.

The future will see large parts of our lives influenced by Artificial Intelligence technology. Machines can execute repetitive tasks with complete precision, and with recent advances in AI, machines are gaining the ability to learn, improve and make calculated decisions in ways that will enable them to perform tasks previously thought to rely on human experience, creativity, and ingenuity.

AI innovation will be central to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by capitalizing on the unprecedented quantities of data now being generated on sentiment behavior, human health, commerce, communications, migration and more.

  ITU said it will provide a neutral platform for government, industry and academia to build a common understanding of the capabilities of emerging AI technologies and consequent needs for technical standardization and policy guidance.

“Countries must put in conscious efforts to mitigate the dangers of deployment if they want to achieve positive results.” ITU said.

Speaking during a digital press briefing on the review of the “Global Inclusivity and AI-Africa Conference” as well as its responsible use, last week,Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, Joy Basu, was quoted by reports saying that while it was great to grab the opportunities provided by the use of AI, the world must also learn to reduce its negative impact.

“Many of us know the risks that are both applicable in Africa but also in the United States.  There’s a lot of humility we have about understanding that none of us can control these risks alone and that it will really be a global conversation.

“You also have a number of risks particularly around elections.  This is a year where so many countries are voting, including our own, and we all have to be aware of those risks.”

Aragba-Akpore is a member of THISDAY Editorial Board

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