Echoes of GCU Relays Resonate at Asaba Youth Games

In a veiled reference to the developmental strides and accomplishments of the Government College Ughelli, GCU Relays, the apex Sports Journalism body in the Country, Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, SWAN, have advocated for a speedy return to school sports.

At the just concluded National Youth Games, which was held in Asaba, the Delta State Capital, SWAN in its strongest communiqué yet, resolved that Sports Authorities in Nigeria, both National and Sub-national, must head back in the direction of school sports, to uncover the precocious talents that abound in the Grassroots.

‘’SWAN hereby calls on the Sporting Authorities, especially the Federal Government and States to focus more on school sports’’, the signed communiqué affirmed in the wake of suggestions about the future age bracket for the National Youth Games.

Interestingly, one of the aims and objectives of the GCU Relays ‘’is the development of outstanding secondary school athletes for schools and the Nation. In the 1950s and 60s, the old Western Region had the old athletics Competition called the GRIER CUP, organized in Zones A to D where there was stiff and exciting competition among schools and from which great athletes emerged’’.

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