How Peacekeepers in CAR Allegedly Attacked Militants Who Wanted to Surrender

By Lazarus Odenge

A video published recently on social media has revealed that MINUSCA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic), which is supposed to implement the national programme to disarm the armed  groups, brutally attacked militants who wanted to surrender.

The video shows a total of six  former UPC( Union for Peace in Central African Republic) fighters narrating their efforts  to disarm. According to them, they decided to surrender in order to disarm. On the way some civilians sent them to the peacekeepers’ base. However, the blue helmets refused to disarm them and later attacked them when they were cooking and unarmed.One of the militants was killed and the other was wounded in the arm.

After the attack, they decided to seek help from Russian military specialists who were stationed nearby. The Russian instructors gave them first aid and took them to their military base in Bambari, where the former rebels were able to relax and feel safe.

We went to the Russians, who treated me. Afterwards, the Russians took us to their big base in Bambari. They gave us food, and we’re safe and sound at the Russian base. Unfortunately, the MINUSCA soldiers killed one of our elements”, explained one of the wounded former rebels.

According the active disarmament process under the national DDR (Désarmement, Démobilization et Réintégration) program, the militants prefer to surrender to Russian instructors and FAC(French: Forces AmeesCentraAfricaines) because all previous examples testify to their humane and decent treatment. Having returned to peaceful life, they are increasingly calling on the remaining fighters to follow suit.

MINUSCA’s actions were deemed  criminal because it is unacceptable to attack unarmed people who have volunteered for peace. This can only lead to scaring away other rebels, and a continuation of the security crisis in CAR.

Analysts believe that sabotaging the disarmament program only benefits the peacekeepers’ mission, as chaos and destabilization in this country will be an excellent reason to extend their expensive mandate.

*Odenge is a CAR-based writer

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