Sell Your Votes, Sacrifice Your Future, Philanthropist Tells Nigerians

Chief Executive of PTL Group of Companies and philanthropist, Prince Lucky Tobechukwu, has lent his voice to the growing calls on Nigerians to improve its electoral values by ensuring that best candidates are voted in any election cycle.

His reaction is premised on the recently conducted election in Edo State which saw the emergence of the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Senator Monday Okphebolo.

While restating his stance as an apolitical Nigerian, he urged the people not to sell their votes in exchange for peanuts that would usher in four years of hardship and economic stagnation..

In a statement on Friday, he stated that vote buying, the practice of exchanging financial or material incentives for votes, threatens the very foundations of democratic societies.

Describing the trend as an insidious phenomenon, the Mbaise born, Imo State Philanthropist, affirmed that it undermines the integrity of elections, erodes trust in government institutions, and disenfranchises vulnerable citizens.

His statement reads in parts: “Vote buying often thrives in environments plagued by poverty, lack of education, and inadequate electoral regulations. Desperate individuals sell their votes to alleviate short-term financial burdens, while unscrupulous politicians exploit these vulnerabilities to secure power.

“The consequences are far-reaching:, and this includes that elected officials serve the interests of those who funded their campaigns rather than the public, policies favor special interest groups rather than the broader population, while citizens lose faith in democracy, leading to widespread disillusionment and disengagement.”.

According to Tobechukwu, combating vote buying requires a multifaceted approach which includes strengthening electoral laws and enforcement, empowering citizens through education and economic opportunities, Promoting transparency in campaign finance and encouraging civic engagement and community involvement.

He added, “Vote buying subverts democracy, betraying the principles of free and fair elections. To protect the integrity of our political systems, we must address the root causes, implement effective countermeasures, and foster a culture of civic responsibility.

The businessman expressed optimism that sooner or later, Nigerians will wake up to the reality realizing that their vote is their power to decide their future and those of their unborn children.

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