Faleye Calls for Stronger E-Mobility Policies in Nigeria to Drive Green Innovation

At the annual public lecture of the Nigeria Britain Association, the CEO of SAGLEV Electro Mobility Company, Gbenga Faleye, stated that electric mobility is a central pillar of green innovation and driver of sustainability.

In his presentation titled ‘Green Innovation and Digital Transformation,’ Faleye emphasised the importance of limiting global warming and greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement of 2015.

According to him, transitioning to electric vehicles has significant positive environmental impact including “reduced urban air pollution, less dependency on fossil fuels and enhanced energy efficiency.”

He particularly urged Nigerian cities, especially Lagos, to embrace the benefits of electric mobility as part of the solution to their transportation challenges. He also advocated for stronger government policies and support for e-mobility, specifically calling for more backing of the Nigeria Automotive Design and Development Council. In his concluding remarks, he emphasized that Nigeria is well-positioned to lead the charge for electric vehicle adoption in Africa.

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