Akpanke, Defying Debutants’ Barrier in N’Assembly

Inyali Peter writes about the extra legislative efforts of Hon Peter Akpanke towards bringing dividends of democracy to the doorsteps of his constituents in Obudu/Bekwerra/Obanliku federal constituency in Cross River state.

The Nigerian National Assembly is a complex institution with sophisticated internal politics that often surpass those of secular politics. Its seniority system, similar to Nigeria’s secondary school hierarchy, can intimidate newcomers, making it challenging for freshmen lawmakers to navigate.

Many have argued that typically, it takes a full four-year term for members to grasp the environment, making re-election seem as the real opportunity to deliver significant impacts.

Many lawmakers, past and present, have blamed their newcomers status for their inability to make meaningful impact in the House or Senate or bringing development to their constituencies.

However, this excuse doesn’t hold water for Hon. Peter Akpanke, who represents Obudu/Bekwerra/Obanliku federal constituency in Cross River state.

To him, he understands the words of Arthur Clark that “to see the limits of the possible, you need to look beyond them into the impossible”.

Despite the intense discrimination against new lawmakers in the legislative arm, Akpanke has defied the odds, proving that experience and ranking status aren’t the only factors in achieving success.

Akpanke’s 2023 victory was nothing short of remarkable. Running under the opposition People’s Democratic Party, he defeated two-time serving lawmaker, Hon. Legor Idagbo and candidate of the ruling party who had the strong backing of then Governor, Senator Ben Ayade, also from the same federal constituency.

Conventional wisdom had it that Idagbo would easily secure his Bekwerra local government, while Ayade would deliver Obudu, leaving Akpanke with only Obanliku, his hometown. However, Akpanke defied these odds, proving that his grassroots connections built through his philanthropic gesture and connection to the people were more powerful than establishment support.

It’s important to stress that the lawmaker’s victory, wasn’t solely due to Idagbo’s underperformance. In fact, his last four years in office were quite impressive, marked by significant accomplishments. For instance, he facilitated top-tier job placements, spearheaded infrastructural projects like classroom construction, establishment of Information and Communication Technology training centres, and implemented empowerment programmes for a lot of people. These achievements meant that Idagbo was leaving a big shoe behind for Akpanke.

However, Akpanke, an opposition lawmaker, defied expectations by seamlessly filling Idagbo’s shoes and delivering unprecedented performances  in the past 15 months. Without exaggeration, or trying to undermine the efforts of his predecessors, there’s no first time lawmaker in the history of the federal constituency that has done more in their first year in office than Akpanke.

Beyond his impressive lawmaking record, with seven legislative involvements under his belt, Akpanke has taken his commitment to his constituents to the next level.

He’s embarking on an ambitious rural development drive, including the installation of street lights in hard-to-reach communities, construction of rural roads, and rehabilitation and construction of classroom blocks, among others. These initiatives not only showcase his willingness to improving the lives of his constituents but also his ability to drive meaningful change.

The fight against insecurity requires a multi-faceted approach beyond just military action. By providing essential infrastructure like streetlights, Akpanke is helping to eliminate hiding spots for criminal elements in rural communities, enhancing internal security and beautifying these areas. Also, his rural road construction projects which aims to link communities will boost economic activities by enabling farmers and traders to transport their produce efficiently to open markets. This not only improves livelihoods but also fosters economic growth and development.

Besides, Akpanke has frequently provided financial support to small business owners to expand their businesses. Moreover, the medical outreach he sponsored some months ago benefited over 10,000 constituents, with a remarkable 200 free operations performed.

Unlike before, he has also made accessibility his watch word by frequently traveling between his legislative schedules and hometown to connect with constituents who cannot afford to visit his Abuja office.

To cushion the effects of the widespread hardship occasion by the economic policies of the President Bola Tinubu administration, the federal legislator has provided essential relief by donating food items and cash, offering a lifeline to those struggling.

He has invested in the education and future of his constituents by supporting several law school candidates and awarding a full-time scholarship to the top performer in the last JAMB examination. These little efforts are making tangible impact on the daily lives of those he serves.

So far, Akpanke is doing all the right things and breaking the limitations of a first time legislators. He’s truly setting the bar high and it’s great to see him exceeding expectations. Now, we his constituents anticipate even greater performances from him. The thing is, when you start strong, people tend to judge you by your own high standards.

So, the only way forward for him is to continue his exceptional representation as anything less would not only disappoint his constituents but also invite widespread criticism and condemnation.

-Peter writes from Abuja.

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