You Should Help Your Friends

As the Bible says “Love one another with brotherly affection.” (Romans 12:10) and Donald Trump has certainly lived up to this. As Bob Woodward tells us, Trump has provided medical support to his political ‘brother’ Vladimir Putin, well at least COVID tests as they share a great fear of germs. They also stay in contact with phone calls from time to time.

The suggestion by Trump that he would end the war in Ukraine if he wins this year’s presidential election isn’t likely to be a result of his skills as a negotiator but his total capitulation to Putin.

This isn’t really a friendship of equals but that of Trump desperately seeking the approval of a perceived strongman, or actually a tyrant. Who needs enemies when you have friends like this?

The final word on this friendship can be attributed to Sun Tzu, a great Chinese military general, who is credited with the phrase “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” 

Dennis Fitzgerald,

Melbourne, Australia

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