Championing New Narratives, Identity, Through Elevate Africa Project

Adeniyi Ifetayo

Perception like they say is everything, it determines how we are perceived. Marketing the African Continent to the rest of the world has over decades been a daunting challenge as negative stories and narratives have continued to dominate the media space thereby portraying the continent and its potentials for strength and growth in bad light.

This negative narrative by western media has cost Africa economies $4.2 billion dollars annually according to a recent study posted on instagram page of earn your leisure.

Even more worrisome, Africans themselves are purveyors of these negative aspects about the continent to the rest of the world in the name of making movies, story telling and others. Narrative of diseases, corruption, bad leadership, war, poverty and hunger dominated the media space about the continent.

These narratives inadvertently or advertently portray African to the rest of the world as a miserable environment in films and propagating negative stereotypes as a nest of poverty and problem thereby undermine the continent potentials and scare would be investors on the continent rather than projecting it huge and abundant potentials across sectors such as economic, Agriculture, tourism, culture and also harnessing it huge population.

However, peeved, by the negative narratives about the continent, His Royal Majesty, the Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III, and his wife, the Queen Consort of Warri Kingdom, Olori Atuwatse III, founded the ‘Elevate Africa’ project to change and promote positive narratives about the continent.

It is worthy to note that part of the mission statement is to Elevate Africa’s self image and global perception, fostering a dignified and collaborative Africa that stands proud of the global state.

To spotlight and empower a new generation of Africa leaders and indigenous solutions for shared African issues, enhancing collaboration within and beyond the continent to drive socio-economic advancement and narrative transformation.

Setting the tone for the two days robust ‘Convening’,  attracted notable personalities not only from the Africa continent but across the globe, the vision bearer of Elevate Africa, the Queen Consort of Warri Kingdom, Olori Atuwatse III, harped on the power of storytelling and how it impacts in shaping and portraying who we are as a person and continent.

Olori in her speech presentation before guests and personalities noted that  despites daunting challenges confronting the African continent a ‘convening’ of the best brains across the continent can begin to cross fertilize ideas with the sole aim of proffering solutions in addressing Africa challenges.  

She further stressed that the event was not just a gathering of eggheads but a platform that will stimulate and challenge minds to be innovative and find African ideas, African solutions in solving issues across education, gender equality, economic growth, decent work and climate action.

She posited, ‘One Nation cannot thrive alone. Elevate Africa is Pan-African because history has shown that our divisions are our downfall, “When Africans unites, Africa wins.” We elevate not a country, but a people—a people not bound by the commonwealth of their problems but a people bound by potential and destiny.

“And so in Elevate Africa we want to crowdsource ideas, fund solutions and showcase Africans’ brilliance. For years, we’ve been itching to do something to change the narrative about Africa, but we didn’t just wait around. We started right in our community and scaled up from there.

“The moments where we find hidden gems like the 24 year visually impaired innovator in our kingdom, peace oghenetejire, who invented a tech solution for blind people to read eBooks! These moments where we find the undiscovered light in our people are electric, they’re not just life changing for the individuals, it creates a ripple effect that touches countless others around them.

“Through the work we do, it has become obvious that we need dedicated home-grown spaces across Africa and its diaspora to incubate ideas, to proffer solutions to our regional problems and to tell our stories. We need to tell our stories – not just the stories of African outliers and unicorns but of everyday innovators making a difference.

“Elevate Africa is not just a mission, elevate Africa is not just a movement, elevate Africa is a mandate: TO ELEVATE AFRICA! It is a call to action. It is time to elevate our solutions and reclaim our stories. It is time for Africans to show the world just how brilliant, innovative and unstoppable we are as a people in Africa.

“Our organization stands on three transformative pillars: Convenings, Fellowships, and Media. All three will work together to promote African solutions to African problems. Our Convenings such as this will gather the brightest minds from across the continent and its diaspora – government leaders, CEOs, community builders, tech innovators, social changemakers. We are not to chase titles we are chasing impact. Our focus is on great ideas and even greater actions. This isn’t just another dialogue, our convening  are a breeding ground for solutions.

Expressing strong optimism on the program noted, “In years to come, it is our hope that the solutions and stories from our three agencies will make life much more prosperous for Africans everywhere. It is our hope that A boy in Ethiopia will know without a doubt that he’s just as valued and worthy as his counterpart in any global city. A researcher in Chad will have access to the tools to do groundbreaking work. We’re here to do our part in making that a reality”.

Apparently corroborating the submission of Olori Atuwatse III, the co-convener behind the project, the Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwaste III gave historical and spiritual perspective on the potential that God has blessed the continent and noted that what is expected for Africa is to harness all the God given potentials to the continent.  

The Majesty in speech posited, “God has perfectly set up this African continent for greatness and success. 7 great & mighty rivers. Two of them in this country. Fusing into one. Every time I think about this, the singular portion of the Bible comes to mind, even thought it was meant for Ethiopia, it rhymes to a degree: “go you swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth of skin…a nation mighty & conquering, whose land, the two rivers divide”.

“In chapter 18 of his book, Isaiah wrote this 5 thousand years ago. God’s word for Africa has already gone out. It is for us to open our eyes, and see the first signs, and interpret them correctly, so our identity and purpose is well informed, and we can walk in that direction.

“I told Davido when he came to Warri over the weekend, whether known or unknown to them, our musicians are following a heavy and potent pattern. This is a pattern where they are our forerunners, heralding the coming of the true African rising that is beyond “entertainment”

“Because that’s another perception that must be corrected, yes, God has endowed the black man with an unfathomable ability to dominate the arenas of sports and entertainment. And we will continue to do so. Because once the proverbial ball or microphone is put in the hands of a black man early enough, and he submits his God given talent in humility to discipline, it’s already game over.

Ogiame in his passion to continue to give women a voice noted that the project to elevate Africa must give special focus on empowering women adding that God has “given them tremendous birthing power”. 

“We have to elevate and empower our women. God has given them tremendous “birthing” power. As African men, we need to not only tap into the creativity and birthing power in our women., but we should encourage it, support it, and elevate it. You give a woman a seed, an idea, a concept, whatever it is you give her, she will incubate, nourish and give it life.

“It’s been noted that one of the things that has plagued Africa from truly developing the way Europe and America have, is that for all our great rivers, they’re not as easily navigable as they are in the west.

“Africa is perfect. Perfect weather, perfect soil, perfect geographical location on the world map. As our minds are elevated to take advantage of these advantageous blessings, we will dominate the world.

The King further suggested, “We need to also consider packaging the past properly, as there’s been so much cultural appropriation, and deliberate misappropriation.  It’s not only our artifacts that have been looted by the rest of the world, but our ideas and our concepts

“The Africa we see. Without the eyes, the window to the soul, we see nothing. Or we don’t see correctly.  I’ve been seeing, again another biblical example, the image of the biblical Samson, as the strong black African man. Intimidates and makes everyone that sees him.

“It is time to start over. We don’t necessarily have to pull the house down as Samson did in life ending anger, but get our eyesight correct, as we have now taken over the narrative and direction of the conversation. And as we say in Warri, ‘we de shine our eyes’.

Daniel Ikuenobe, Co-founder ACE Analytik in his welcome address stated that the convening marks the beginning of a new chapter in Africa story adding that it is a bold vision to elevate Africa in leadership, culture, trade, innovation, and narrative.

“Elevate Africa is not just a movement; it is a call to action. We are here to elevate how Africans see themselves and how the world perceives us. The challenges before us require bold leadership, new narratives, and purposeful collaboration. Africa’s time is now.

Ikuenobe added, “We are here to elevate African leadership. For too long, our leadership has been defined by others. Today, we define it for ourselves. Our leaders are capable, visionary, and connected to their people. We are here to show that African leadership is rising, leading the way in unity, integrity, and progress.

“We are here to elevate African culture. Africa’s rich heritage, vibrant languages, and creativity will shape the global narrative. We are reclaiming our stories not as a continent in need, but as a continent of power, resilience, and innovation.

“We are here to elevate African trade and finance. Africa is home to the fastest-growing economies. With the African Continental Free Trade Area, we present a market of 1.4 billion people, ready to transform the global economy. Africa is not just a participant in trade we are a driver of global commerce.

His Excellency, Atifete Jahjagam, former President of Kosovo lauded the vision and the initiative of Her Majesty, Olori Atuwatse III for championing the ‘Elevate Africa and added the project capable of reshaping the way the world see Africa capitalizing on the power of the media to tell the stories of African people.

She stated, “I’m well aware of the dominant stereotypes that often define Africa in the global narrative of poverty, conflict, and underdevelopment. But let me tell you how I see Africa through my eyes.  I see a continent rich in culture, diversity, and creativity, where communities are resilient, innovative, and deeply connected to their roots.

“I see young people driving change, entrepreneurs building solutions to local challenges, and a wealth of natural beauty that is second to none.  Africa, to me, is not defined by its struggles but by its incredible potential, its spirit of unity, and its boundless hope for the future. The resilience of the Nigerian people, their kindness, and their deep connection to their heritage stand out as some of the many things that make this country so special.

“It’s time to change that. It’s time for the world to see Africa and countries in the global south for what they really are, places of innovation, strength, and hope.

“Platforms of discussion and exchange such as this one are crucial to dismantling these incorrect facts about Africa.

The two days event featured a panel session where keynote speakers brainstormed on topics with the themes:  “Elevating Leadership: Empowering Diverse Leadership and Effective Governance for Africa Future, Elevating Africa Trade: Through Regional Partnership and Collaboration, Elevating African Trade and Commerce, Harnessing Digital Innovation for Trade Expansion, and Elevating African Stories; Celebrating Africa Resilience and Innovation through powerful stories.

“If you don’t have any good thing to say about Africa then say nothing, but if you must say something then talk about her success and growth” says Vusi Thembekwayo,

Founder & CEO, myGrowthfund Venture during one of his presentation at the elevate Africa.

Also, Senator representing Delta North at the National Assembly, Senator Prince Ned Nwoko advised African leaders to lower border restrictions, allow free movement and embrace unified currency.

 He said “Africa leaders and stakeholders need to support initiatives like this to elevate Africa and must be prepared to lower travel restrictions at our borders, they should encourage free movement which will snowball to trade and investment opportunities. Above all, they should be bold to embrace unified currency just like Europe did and they’re better for it.

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