Aliyu: Adesina Has Potential to Lead Nigeria

Chuks Okocha in this interview with Betara Aliyu, former Assistant to Chief Economic Advisor to Ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo, Chief Philip Asiodu, speaks on the recent lecture delivered by the President of African Development Bank, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina at the 90th birthday celebration of former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon and its implication for Nigeria’s political development and unity.

What was the main focus of Dr. Akinwumi Adesina’s lecture at General Yakubu Gowon’s 90th birthday anniversary?

Dr. Akinwumi Adesina’s lecture focused on Nigeria’s core developmental challenges, such as poverty, insecurity, food security, education, infrastructure, energy and ethics. His vision for transforming Nigeria into “Global Nigeria” aimed to inspire progress, prosperity and global relevance.

By addressing these key issues, Adesina highlighted areas where reform is most needed and positioned himself as a visionary leader capable of moving Nigeria toward an era of renewed greatness.

How does his vision align with the needs of the Nigerian populace?

Adesina’s vision directly resonates with the aspirations of ordinary Nigerians, especially those most affected by the country’s hash struggles. He emphasizes critical issues like poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and infrastructural deficits, which are areas where the current government is seen as underperforming. His optimistic focus on creating a “Global Nigeria” promises progress that appeals to a population eager for leadership that addresses their everyday realities and offers actionable solutions to Nigeria’s fundamental problems.

Why is Dr. Adesina’s lecture at Gowon’s birthday seen as politically significant?

Delivering such a policy-oriented lecture at General Yakubu Gowon’s 90th birthday celebration, attended by Nigeria’s political, military and traditional elites, is symbolic.

It signals Adesina’s alignment with Gowon’s legacy of national unity and good governance. The presence of influential figures, including former presidents, governors, Senators, highest traditional and religious leaders, and military leaders, underscores the importance of the event and lends credibility to Adesina as a candidate capable of reversing Nigeria’s decline and fostering national unity and progress.

How does Dr. Adesina differentiate himself from the current government?

Adesina contrasts himself with the incumbent leadership by offering detailed, knowledgeable and actionable solutions to Nigeria’s problems. While the current administration only has a slogan – Renewed Hope – but with no clarity and action.

While the current leadership is seen clearly as underperforming in critical areas of poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, and ethical governance, Adesina’s approach is rooted in his successful track record of reforms, like the e-wallet system for farmers, and his capacity to implement practical, well-thought-out solutions. His focus on addressing real issues, such as the 63% poverty rate and the $29 billion annual loss from unreliable electricity, presents him as a result-oriented alternative. Also, his achievements in such developmental programs in other countries across the globe are impressive and pointers to what he can accomplish in the country.

 What specific solutions does he propose to address Nigeria’s challenges?

Adesina outlines several practical solutions, including the creation of Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones to boost food security, investments in education and infrastructure to enhance development, and the establishment of a $100 million Youth Entrepreneurship Investment Bank to support youth businesses. These proposals reflect his deep understanding of Nigeria’s problems and his capacity to develop the country through industrialization, agriculture, and education, with youth entrepreneurship at the center of the development strategy.

How does Adesina’s background prepare him for the leadership Nigeria needs?

Adesina’s experience as the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and his former role as Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture, plus many other crucial roles he played in helping other countries develop, provide him with substantial leadership credentials. His achievements, such as leading AfDB’s investments in Nigeria’s energy sector and agricultural value chains, show his commitment to development.

His global experience and network of international contacts make him well-positioned to attract foreign investments and forge international partnerships to drive Nigeria’s progress. His expertise in both economic management and international development strengthens his profile as a transformative leader.

How does his lecture appeal to different segments of the Nigerian electorate, including the youth and why is this significant?

Adesina’s message appeals to diverse segments of Nigerian society, including Northern elites, the educated middle class, the business community, and the unemployed youth. His emphasis on education, youth employment, and industrialization offers practical solutions to the nation’s problems, making him a unifying figure across Nigeria’s ethnic, regional, and religious divides.

In focusing on agriculture and animal husbandry and their value chains, the comparative advantages of Northern Nigeria have been taken care of. In focusing on industrialization, the comparative advantages of the Southeast are resolved. And in focusing on energy, oceanic and maritime development, the comparative advantages of the Southsouth and Southwest have been taken care of. I think that is what is called economic federalism. By focusing on issues that affect all parts of Nigerians, Adesina positions himself as a leader capable of fostering national unity through economic federalism, echoing the values of the immediate post-independence era of patriotism and nation-building. This appeal enhances his chances of gaining broad-based support in a divided nation.

Adesina’s lecture appeals to various segments of the Nigerian electorate through its focus on addressing the nation’s most pressing challenges, which resonate with a broad spectrum of voters. For the general populace, Adesina’s comprehensive vision for solving issues such as poverty, insecurity, food security, education, infrastructure and energy touches on everyday realities that Nigerians face, making his ideas relevant to the average voter. By proposing solutions to these problems, he presents himself as a leader with a concrete plan for change, in contrast to what many see as the incumbent government’s underperformance.

The general masses, the educated middle class and intellectual elites should be drawn to his “Global Nigeria” vision, which emphasizes global competitiveness, industrialization and economic leadership for Nigeria in Africa. These segments, often disillusioned with the current state of governance, are likely to appreciate his deep understanding of governance and international economic dynamics. His approach offers practical, well-thought-out policy solutions, appealing to those who prioritize competence and visionary leadership.

Specifically for the youth, Adesina’s emphasis on initiatives such as the $100 million Youth Entrepreneurship Investment Bank—approved by the African Development Bank (AfDB)—directly speaks to their needs. This proposal highlights his commitment to youth empowerment, supporting their entrepreneurial aspirations and integrating them into the country’s developmental growth. His focus on youth employment, education, and economic participation presents the youth not just as beneficiaries of development, but as active participants in driving Nigeria’s future.

I think it will be in their interest for the Nigerian youths to leverage social media, town halls and grassroots platforms to spread the message and ideas of Adesina’s paper and mobilize for change. This strategic engagement positions the youth as key players in disseminating his message and building support for his potential presidential campaign, giving them a sense of ownership over the political process.

What impact does Dr. Adesina’s international network and global experience have on his presidential bid?

Dr. Adesina’s international network and global experience significantly enhance his credibility as a presidential candidate, offering him a unique advantage in Nigeria’s political landscape. As the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Adesina has cultivated strong relationships with global financial institutions, international development organizations, and foreign governments. These connections provide him with access to resources and partnerships that could be pivotal in addressing Nigeria’s critical economic and infrastructural challenges.

His global experience equips him with the knowledge to attract foreign investments, which are essential for revitalizing Nigeria’s economy. For instance, his leadership at AfDB has demonstrated his ability to secure investments in key sectors such as agriculture and energy. By highlighting his role in leading AfDB investments in Nigeria’s agricultural value chains and energy sector, and in other key sectors across the world, he presents himself as someone capable of driving sustainable development through international cooperation.

Moreover, Adesina’s global outlook and experience in managing complex economic systems make him a credible candidate to restore investor confidence in Nigeria. His connections could help forge international partnerships, ensuring Nigeria can secure the funding and technical expertise needed to implement large-scale infrastructure projects and industrialization programs.

This ability to attract foreign capital and expertise strengthens his appeal to business communities and economic reform advocates who seek a leader capable of driving Nigeria’s economic renaissance.

Adesina’s international profile positions him as a candidate with both the experience and the global stature to transform Nigeria’s economy. His foreign contacts and international development expertise give him a strong platform to propose ambitious yet achievable goals, further setting him apart as a capable and visionary leader ready to lead Nigeria into a new era of global relevance.

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