Pan-African Women’s Sustainability Conference Set to Transform Green Economy Landscape

In a groundbreaking initiative to accelerate Africa’s green economy, government leaders from African countries, representing over 20 per cent of the continent’s countries, will convene at the African Women Sustainability Conference 2024.

This landmark event, organised by ImpactHER in partnership with the African Union and the United States Department of Commerce, will take place in Abuja, Nigeria. The event is hosted by the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Under the theme, “Igniting Africa’s Green Revolution: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs as Catalysts for Sustainable Growth and Unlocking Access to Eco-Financing,” the conference aims to bridge the green financing gap, recognizing the pivotal role of women-led businesses in Africa’s economies and addressing the significant barriers they face in accessing eco-financing opportunities. This is more than a conference—it’s a turning point for Africa’s women entrepreneurs,” said Efe Ukala, Founder of ImpactHER. “By uniting government leaders, global financiers, and visionary women entrepreneurs, we aim to unlock millions of dollars in eco-financing by 2026 and position women as the driving force of Africa’s sustainable future.”

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