Give girls the power to dream, lead, and create, and they will shape a brighter, stronger, and better world.

I’ll never forget what happened to a bright young girl who happened to be our former neighbour while growing up as a teenager. She was full of dreams but trapped by circumstances. 

She sometimes picks and repairs her household bad-working condition electronics without being taught the skills. She had a sharp mind, an eagerness to learn as impressive as that, but no access to quality education.

Her parents prioritized her brothers’ schooling, believing she only needed basic literacy before marriage. That moment changed everything for me; coupled with many others that I later encountered as I grew up. 

Too many girls are held back, not by lack of potential, but by lack of opportunity and societal narratives. Thousands are denied education, left out of leadership conversations, or given limited choices when it comes to their health and future. 

Imagine the innovations, solutions, and transformations the world is missing because we fail to invest in them. Education isn’t just about books, it’s about empowerment.

When a girl learns, she gains confidence. 

When she understands her health, she makes informed choices. When she develops leadership skills, she paves the way for others. 

Yet, in many places, cultural norms, economic hardship, and outdated beliefs still rob girls of these opportunities. This is why I advocate, mentor, and create initiatives that give young girls the tools they need to lead, thrive, and break barriers. 

But I can’t do it alone.

How can we do better for the next generation? 

Share your thoughts, initiatives, or ideas in the comments. Let’s shape a future where every girl has the power to rise! 

Grace Ehi Ekainu, an educator and creative writer, Kano State

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