Bianca Ojukwu: Anniversary of ‘Valedictory Slap’

The slightly drunk First Lady  sashayed across the podium in a dress that made her look sluttish instead of the grand dame she should have been, and walked up to the most elegant and gracious beauty ever created on the African continent and said “you are a bitch.”

For her efforts, she got a slap. The slap resonated nationwide and Nigerians laughed with pride that the nation’s Rose was not humiliated, and that she came out of that encounter with her grace intact.

During the week, Nigerians on social media threw up the episode again as they celebrated the third year anniversary of the “slap.” The clip was circulated across social media and millions ogled and commented on it.

Bianca Ojukwu retains a very strategic Petch in Nigeria’s pedestal of elegant and respected queens. She has transmuted from a supremely beautiful beauty queen to a well-respected leader. As Nigeria’s current Minister of State for Foreign Affairs she is holding her own in international fora, making us proud and inspiring young girls, showing that you can be extremely beautiful and be taken seriously if you also show a brilliant aptitude and capacity. It is no wonder that a major multimedia stage play ‘Bianca’ is being planned in her honour this May. Shhhhhh.

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