Bond Chemical MD Tasks FG to Support Manufacturers 

Kemi Olaitan in Ibadan

The federal government has been called upon to make it a priority of supporting the manufacturing sector towards creating more jobs and reducing unemployment in the country.

The Managing Director, Bond Chemical Group of Company, Awe in Oyo State, Mr. Aderemi Olayinka Omotosho, who made the call while playing host to the leadership of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), led by its President, Pharm. (Prof.) Cyril Usifoh,  said the manufacturing sector is in dire need of government support, stating that with government support to the sector it would help in reducing importation.

He disclosed that Bond Chemical has been playing a critical role in the pharmaceutical sector since its establishment over 30 years ago, noting that it would continue to contribute its quota to the development of not only its immediate environment and Oyo State but the country as a whole.

According to him, “We want government to support us. The government should patronise us. The value chain of manufacturing company has a multiply effects. It will create jobs, give us raw materials and reduce unemployment. To import is easy but manufacturing is a lot of stress. In developing countries the manufacturing industry is given priority but it is not like that in Nigeria. 

“The manufacturing industry needs more support from the government as it creates jobs. We need to keep reminding the authorities that the sector needs support. We are employers of all labour, not only in the pharmaceutical area. Manufacturing covers all areas.  We want to reduce importation, it will be a plus to us but the government should support the manufacturing industry.”

Usifoh, in his remarks, after being conducted round the facilities at the company, lauded the founder of the company, Asiwaju Adebowale Omotosho, for citing it in the area, stating that he was impressed with what he saw in the company. 

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