Combating Crude Oil Theft

Peter Uzoho writes that the Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Limited otherwise known as Offshore Marine Solution deserves an encouraging pat on the back through retaining of their pipeline surveillance contract by the federal government, haven recorded laudable successes in combating oil theft, vandalism, and restoring peace and order along the major oil pipelines in the Delta State area of the oil producing Niger Delta.

Normalcy has gradually returned in Delta State in the area of safety and protection of oil pipelines that crisscross the state which is one of the largest oil producing states of the Niger Delta, thanks to the patriotic services being rendered by the Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Limited (PIL) also known as Offshore Marine Solution (OMS). 

Since 2019 when PINL, a wholly Nigerian company incorporated in 2019 to render various services to operators and key players in the Nigerian oil and gas sector, there has been many successes recorded by the company including the chasing out of oil thieves from the creeks and along the major pipelines. The surveillance operation carried out day and night by the staff of the company in collaboration with security agencies has led to the combating of the rampant oil theft, illegal refineries and vandalisation of pipelines and other oil assets in the state. 

The effort has resulted in the gradual improvement in Nigeria’s oil production going by the latest data from the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC), which recently revealed that the county’s oil production had reached 1.6 million barrels per day  (mbp/d).  Indeed, this should be a cheery news to Nigerians, particularly the government, as the country is currently in serious need of a quantum leap in its foreign exchange earning to overcome the present revenue challenge and meet up with its social and economic obligations to the citizenry. 

Fielding questions from journalists in Warri, recently, during a press conference after a media tour of the Trans Forcados Pipeline (TFP) and the various security checkpoints put in place to tackle the oil theft menace, the Coordinator of Pipeline Infrastructure Surveillance Operation, Mr. Benson Onuwaje, said his team had been able to combat crude oil theft along the pipelines contracted to it.

Onuwaje explained, “We started crude oil pipeline surveillance operation from Escravos to Warri in 2015 and in 2016, we cleared all the lines, removing almost 86 valves put by oil thieves, from which they siphon crude. This happened two weeks after we had issues with the avengers. 

“Based on our success on the Escravos pipeline, we were approached in 2018 to help the government to clear the Oil Mining Lease (OML) 40 pipeline in Benin River which  We started in 2018 and within four months, we cleared the line, removing 82 valves. The Trans Benin River pipeline is a new line and before, we started working on the line, anytime they pumped oil, they got only 50 per cent, but when we cleared the line, they achieved full production.”

Also, based on its record of performance, Pipeline Infrastructure was approached to rescue Trans Forcados Pipeline in 2019, and on resumption of work, they were able to clear the line after it did a Proof of Concept as demanded by its client to be sure of its ability to secure the lines. 

“Presently, the National Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) -now NNPC Exploration and Production Limited (NEPL) and Heritage in Trans Forcados can testify that the work Pipeline Infrastructure is doing in combating crude oil theft and vandalisation is commendable. 

“Delta State became the highest in terms of crude oil production in Nigeria”, Onuwaje added.

Stressing the need to bring back Nigeria’s refineries to operation so that the tendency criminals to siphon crude would reduce, he noted that steady security of oil pipelines was needed. 

The coordinator, however, urged the federal government to come to the aid of the people where oil pipeline infrastructure are sited and make life better for them, adding that that was the best way to make them have a sense of belonging in the oil resources and be ready to protect the assets.

Since its coming on board, the company has contributed significantly in the reduction of youth unemployment and poverty in the state as many homes have seen their fortunes turned around with the employment of their sons as surveillance workers and ancillary services providers.

According to Onuwaje, on the Trans Forcados pipeline alone,  the company has employed over 820 people, with additional120 intelligent gathering officials engaged. 

“If you look at Trans Escravos also, we have 480 people we have employed and OML 40, Trans Benin River, we have employed over 300 people. We have been able to impact the lives of the youths and communities by creating employment opportunities. The federal government must also develop the communities so that they can have their sense of belonging”, the coordinator stated.

For the Special Adviser to the Delta State Governor on Niger Delta Affairs, Hon. Griftson Omatsuli, the services rendered by Pipeline Infrastructure Limited has led to the drastic reduction in criminality along the oil pipelines and improvement in the nation’s oil production.

“For all over six years since OMS began operations, the level of criminality has gradually reduced because we felt that the people involved in the criminal acts have been employed and empowered by OMS to guard these pipelines.

“The effect of the unnecessary vandalisation of our pipelines has a terrible impact on the economy, ecosystem, health, infrastructure and the aquatic life of the communities, and so when you tamper with the pipelines, certainly you are tampering with the lives of everyone here,” Omatsuli said.

He said haven delivered in its mandate of combating oil theft and vandalism and helping the return of normalcy along the oil pipelines, Pipeline Infrastructure deserved to be retained by the federal government.

He, however, warned against any attempt to disengage Offshore Marine Solution or Pipeline Infrastructure Limited from the job they are currently delivering to the nation, saying doing that would lead to resurgence of criminality along the pipelines.

“The federal government will never ever think of withdrawing the services of all the surveillance companies on the pipelines, because if they do that, they will be opening opportunities for criminality in the Niger Delta region. 

“Whoever that is nurturing that plan does not mean well for Nigerian oil companies producing in the Niger Delta region and government infrastructure. If they remove the contract, they would be creating an avenue for pipeline vandalisation and reduction in the federal government’s revenue from oil sales,” the Governor’s aide cautioned.

Also kicking against a perceived secret ploy to take the surveillance job away from them, the Coordinator, Pipeline Surveillance from Ogulagha Community, OMS, Capt. Alex Yelemu, the communities were ready to resist such attempt.

Yelewu stated, “We are not going to fold our arms while some people say our job is finished. That will not happen because we have invested so much in this job and have delivered. 

“We started this job with little and we are okay with the little. We started April 1st 2019 till date. As of then, you cannot move on this waterway. Everywhere was so messed up with crude oil theft, you can’t move freely. But today, we give glory to God that everywhere is now clear. But now that the coast is clear, people are now putting interest in this job. We are not going to fold our arms.”

He added, “We have been protecting this pipeline infrastructure from the 1st of April 2019 till date. Today, if you make this people to go back to their homes, what will happen next? The creek that we have made safe, the oil theft will come up again. Today, if we leave the creek, the bad people, the vandals may come again, which is not a good news.

“We need to protect the Nigeria economy which we have been doing before now, we need to protect it till the end.” 

He said their employers have been consistent in ensuring their workers’ welfare, testifying that OMS and Pipeline Infrastructure were always regular in payment of salaries.

“We are okay with what we are receiving. The company s not owing anybody any salary. The little one we are receiving comes at the right time. So, we are very okay with our work. Anything other than we retaining our job means they have asked us to go back to the creek. We are not ready to go back to the creek. We are ready to cooperate with the federal government as usual and work together as one. 

“And we are very happy that the Nigerian Navy, the soldiers are supporting us very well to achieve peace along this coast. When we started, it was a mess, but with the support of the military and the effort of all the security agencies, we now have peace here today. So, we are working hand in hand to make sure Nigeria’s economy grows”, he noted.

Yelewu also said the effort of the Pipeline Infrastructure has led to Nigeria now increasing its oil production compared to previous years.

“We are now getting 1.6 million barrels a day. Sometimes, we arrested vessels from the offshore, which can contain 19,000 metric tons for the federal government, not one, not two. The creek is just a peanut from what they are taking, but we needed to stop the creek so that the offshore would be stopped. So, we stopped the offshore, stopped the creek, so the economy is coming up gradually”, he added.

For the Supervisor, Benin River Houses/OML 40, Mr. Smart Amola, 

security has returned along the pipelines and oil is flowing unhindered. He revealed that the surveillance operations of the Pipeline Infrastructure and OMS has led to the reduction of crude oil theft by 95 per cent.

He said, “We took the surveillance operation under the NPDC, and since then, crude oil has been flowing very fine and we all are okay with the help of the community, with the help of the Nigerian Navy and army. We worked together to achieved the success we have today. 

“If not zero per cent, at least, we have been able to reduce crude oil theft by 95 per cent. For us as the workers, there is no challenges for now because everywhere has been stabilised and the oil has been flowing very well.”

He further said that since the beginning of the surveillance contract, Delta State had recorded limits in the level of youth restiveness in this state, adding that “there is no more cases of pirates, bunkering. We have been able to manage it to the lowest level.”

He also warned that “those calling for the termination of this private security contractors, I don’t think they want to help the economy of this country because since we resumed this work, things have been going smoothly for everybody”. 

On his part, the General Supervisor, Pipeline Surveillance Operations, PIL/OMS, Mr. Misan Onunaje, said since they started the job in 2015, they team had done their best in making sure that every party that belongs to the pipeline benefits, including the communities (the Ijaws, Itsekiris, Urobos and right from the water to the land).

“So, we have been doing this job without any problem. When month ends, my company pays. And I just want to use this opportunity to thank mostly the community leaders and the traditional rulers. They are one of the best. They support us with everything. Also, the security agencies have been supportive of this operation. The Navy is there, the army is there, everybody’s hand is there. As you can see, ail the oil thieves have run away. I don’t know where they are now”, Onunaje noted.

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