NCS Recovers N1.6bn in 2 Months, Reads Riot Act to Economic Saboteurs 

Gilbert Ekugbe

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Federal Operations Unit (FOU), Zone C has stated that it has successfully recovered a cumulative sum of N1,634,794,571 in two months in 2023.

The Acting Comptroller of the commend, DC Kayode Kolade, stated this while addressing newsmen at the government Warehouse, Aduwawa, Benin City, Edo state, recently.

According to him, in its drive to curb smuggling within its areas of jurisdiction, the Zone also intercepted cannabis sativa, raw materials for production of explosive devices, as well as other contraband with a Duty Paid Value (DPV) N1,648,494,571.00) only. 

He pointed out that the Zone also arrested nine suspects in connection with the seizures within the period under review from July 25 to September 23rd 2023. 

In addition to the 417 sacks of cannabis sativa also known as Indian hemp weighing 9,194kg and 627 compressed parcels of same Indian hemp 1kg each totaling 627kg, and 9 sacks 50kg each of explosives’ raw materials, he listed other seized products to include 1,329 bags, 50kg each of smuggled foreign parboiled rice ; 5 cartons of DSP Cough Syrup with codeine 100mg containing 1000 bottles ; 1 unit of armored Bullion Van ; 761 jumbo bales of second hand clothing ; 883 cartons of various unregistered/expired medicaments including tramadol; 100 cartons of various wines; 5,737 pieces of used pneumatic tyres ; 335 cartons of smuggled foreign tomato paste; 300 cartons of foreign spaghetti. 

“Based on prompt intelligence and sting operation, the rice was intercepted along Calabar/Akwa Ibom axis and okada/benin expressway, the 417 sacks and 627 parcels of Indian hemp were intercepted at Okada-Benin and Ewu-Auchi Expressway respectively. 761 Jumbo bales of used clothing mostly concealed in trucks and buses were intercepted along Umeikaa/Aba Road and Okada-Benin road,” he said.

 “The 5 cartons of DSP cough syrup with codeine, and 883 cartons of unregistered medicaments were intercepted along Benin/Asaba/Onitsha Expressway.

The armored Bullion Van without customs documents and End User Certificate was intercepted along Okada/Benin Expressway. 100 cartons of wine and 335 tomatoes paste were intercepted along Ewu/Ibilo axis, 5,737 pieces of used pneumatic tyres were also intercepted along Cross River waterside and Okada-Benin Expressway,” he added. 

He further expressed worry over the smuggling of explosives even as the country continued grappling with the challenges associated with insecurity and called on smugglers to desist forthwith in the interest of humanity or have the law to contend with. 

 “More worrisome is the interception of 9 sacks 50kg each of explosive materials (fertilizer , device cables  and superpower90 chemicals). We all know the security implication if these explosives components get to their destination unchecked. It may interest you to know that Superpower 90 is designed for priming applications and as a column explosive in surface and underground mining and general blasting. The high detonation velocity and the robust nature of Superpower 90 make it an ideal primer for the initiation of column charge. Lets us not just imagine if dynamites and landmines are detonated using these items,” he said. 

He seized the opportunity to congratulate the Ag. Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Customs Service, Adewale Adeniyi, on his appointment to oversee the affairs of the service describing it as “well deserved considering his pedigree, dedication and commitment to the service

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