Fubara Reassures of Economic Growth of Rivers

•Signs pact with investors on housing development

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt 

The Rivers State governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has promised that his administration will continue to promote the economic growth in the state.

This as the governor charged investors on low cost housing development and building of spare parts market to fast-track the process of development of the state.

Fubara made the assertion yesterday, at the signing of two separate Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) between the state government and two companies at Government House in Port Harcourt.

The governor who stressed that the problem of housing for low income earners in the state has been a huge concern, said the pact would address the provision of 20,000 units of affordable houses.

The projects will ensure the development of RIV/TAF City Housing Project on 1,000 hectares of land for 20,000 housing units.

Governor Fubara explained that even if people already knew the mantra of his administration, which he said is consolidation and continuity, they also need to understand that it included expanding on the existing structure of the current city status. 

“We told our people that we are not limited to the vision we inherited, but included expansion, we meant it with all seriousness and you can see with what we have done today. The city will gradually start expanding, and not limited to our present structure.  

“I am happy to say this, one of our greatest problems is housing for the low income earners. Our vision as at today, is to provide for those level of people. What we have done is to give our people hope.”

Speaking about the spare parts market, Governor Fubara said during the electioneering campaigns, he promised to develop a modern market for the Spare Parts traders to show that his administration is very caring.

“It is important because by the time the spare parts market starts up, we will have a central place where businesses that have to do with vehicles; repairs, sales and other associated activities will be established for the traders. It won’t be just a market, it will also bring about a level of development within that axis.”

He charged the investors to ensure immediate commencement of the projects, directing them to ensure that the ground breaking holds in a weeks time to show seriousness attached to the two projects.

The state Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Prof Zacchaeus Adangor (SAN) signed for the state government while the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Mustapha Njie, signed for TAF Africa Global.

For the development of a Central Spare Parts Market, Adangor also signed for the state government while the Chief Executive Officer, Okoh Jeff and Charles signed for  GOSH Project Limited.

Speaking for TAF Africa Global, Mr. Mustapha Njie said a subsidiary of his company called Pricewise Home Nigeria Limited will develop 20,000 housing in phases on the 1,000 hectares of land and thanked the governor for the confidence reposed in them to do the project.

On his part, the Chief Executive Officer of Gosh, Mr. Okoh Jeff assured that they would give the best dedication to delivering a central spare part market that will accommodate all traders in that business in one place.

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