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Aisha Babangida Becomes Life Member of CIoD

Excellence remains that strong denominator between great people and ordinary people. In light of her many achievements over the years, Aisha Babangida is certainly one of the former. Helping her to close 2023 in grand style, one of the most distinguished corporate governance institutes in Nigeria has conferred life membership status on Aisha, identifying her as one of the big positives for the year.
During the annual Directors Dinner and Awards Ceremony by the Chartered Institute of Directors (CIoD), Aisha was recognised as a life member of the institute.
Indeed, the CIoD dinner and awards ceremony had only the most prestigious individuals in attendance. Enjoying the joyous atmosphere, these icons of industries and top decision-makers in Nigeria bore witness to Aisha evolving from being a committed citizen to an influential member of the institute on account of how much value she has added to Nigeria’s corporate corridor.
CIoD is only the most recent organisation to recognise the merits of Aisha. But this is a given considering her commitment over the years to charity and the reinforcement of hope for the underprivileged inNigeria and abroad.
Whether it is in her capacity as the Chairperson of the Better Life Programme for the African Rural Woman (BLPARW), the humanitarian outreach initiative founded by her late mother, Maryam Babangida, or her Tasnim Foundation which grants scholarships to young girls in rural areas, Aisha’s marks are visible everywhere.
As much as she might want to hide away from public eyes, Aisha is one of the most radiant pillars of humanity in Nigeria. Her continued efforts to harmonise the dreams of the underprivileged with prospects of a good life and opportunities will continue to be recognised.