Gains of PISE-P’s Launch for Sustained Peace, Security in Southeast

The official launch of Peace In South East Project (PISE-P) on Friday, December 29, 2023, actually resonates in communities, local government areas, states within the zone with accompanying effects in other parts of Nigeria. Udora Orizu reports.

Clearly, the epoch-making event held in the ancient town of Bende, a known terrain in Abia State together with the Homecoming/Grand Reception of the Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, Hon. Benjamin Kalu, drew the attention of who is who in Southeast and the entire country.

Also, President Bola Tinubu was conferred with a traditional title of Omeziri Igbo 1 and Enyioma Ndigbo by the Chairman of the Abia State Council of Traditional Rulers Eze Linus Mbah, backed by other traditional rulers in the Southeast.

On the day, both political and business heavyweights from Southeast and many others from all walks of life converged to not only honour Hon. Kalu who is in the leadership of the National Assembly and well respected, but to open an entirely new chapter in the anal of history for Ndigbo.

It was also a time for deep reflection of who the Igbo really are from creation and in existence all the while with virtually every speaker alluding to the fact that Southeast has always been a region known for its industrious nature and peaceful co-existence.

Their allusions are premised on the reality that before the advent of disruptions based on certain ideologies, which are allien to the people of the area, Southeast enjoyed full life circle centred on self-sustaining and collaborative efforts geared towards sustained socio-economic development, devoid of intimidation, fear, calamity, terrorism, among others.

Another truism is that nothing has reversed this trend, just as Vice President Kashim Shettima, puts it, “the terror groups that have held the South East to ransom are not a creation of the people of the region, or of Nigerians from other parts of the country.

“The problem we are here to solve as a community, as an Umunna, is a creation of self-serving criminals who do not represent the interests of the Ndi-Igbo and Nigerians…”

While he spoke as one who truly understands what the region has dealt with or rightly put it as what has become its albatross, this mountain (insecurity) which turned the tide in the past few years, is surmmontable, because therein lies a sigh of soothing relief and expected return to progressive status quo.

And as the Vice President who stood in for President Tinubu at the PISE-P formal inauguration also posited, “The seeds of progress can only sprout in the fertile soil of peace and security. This is why we take immense pride in the collaboration of all stakeholders and initiatives such as the Peace in South East Project, to ensure that the shield of security in the region isn’t a distant mirage in the landscape of aspirations.”

He maintained, however, that the catastrophic situation can’t be reversed unless the government involves the people whom, he said, are the ears, legs and mouths in the region.

The Vice President’s statement is equally vice-versa in the sense that there is no way the government – nay security agencies will ever tackle the menace without collaboration and extensive support of the people who live in the affected areas.

Collaborating the views of Shettima, Abia State Governor, Dr. Alex Otti and his Imo State counterpart, Senator Hope Uzodinma, who is also the Chairman of Southeast Governors’ Forum declared their readiness to push for greater support in the pursuit of lasting peace and enduring security in the region.

Specifically, Governor Otti said, “We the people of the South East hereby declare that peace is what we stand for as a region.

“We declare peace and prosperity, we declare peace for progress, we stand for peace in the South East as a catalyst that will drive growth in all sectors of the economy and rekindle the confidence of future generations. We declare that peace is better.”

On why he has dedicated his time, material and human resources to pursue the cause of this developmental initiative using PISE-P as a vehicle, the convener and House of Representatives Deputy Speaker,  Hon. Kalu, said, “When I embarked on the South East Project, my vision was clear — to foster peace, unity, and development in our region through a non-kinetic approach.

“The south east has long been known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant communities, and enterprising people. Yet, we have faced our fair share of challenges, including socio-economic disparities, insecurities, political tensions, and occasional conflicts.

“Our goals in the south east project are clear. We aim to promote reconciliation among communities and individuals affected by past conflicts. We recognise the need to address the root causes of conflict, including socio-economic disparities and political tensions.

“Empowering communities is another crucial goal of the project, providing them with the necessary resources, skills, and opportunities for sustainable development.”

While consulting with political bigwigs and others in various layers of leadership within and outside the Southeast, Hon. Kalu didn’t leave out the traditional institution who without hesitation supported the project and graced its launching.

Among prominent traditional rulers who made his stance known on the move to restore the zone to its pride of place is the Obi of Onitsha, Nnaemeka Alfred Achebe.

He particularly threw his weight behind PISE-P, with a weighty endorsement of its non-kinetic approach towards addressing the security challenges in the region.

Already, the non-kinetic measure of tackling insecurity in the South-East has received the buy-in of many, owing to the loss of lives and property in numerous sectors of human existence.

This perhaps informed obvious reason, the Obi of Onitsha emphatically said, “We just have to join forces and make things happen. We want peace and reconciliation in Igboland. Our strength is in what we can do for ourselves.”

From Anambra to Enugu, Imo, Abia and Ebonyi – lives and property have been lost over the years, but with PISE-P approach, hope is rising.

Already, the trickling effect is beginning to rob-off within a short time. Perhaps, the soothing of embrace of peace led to the celebration of the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year without single reported incidence of violence or crime anywhere in the Southeast.

Now, the gains need to be sustained over a period and continuously too in a bid to get the region back to reckoning.

To achieve the sustainability gains, there are a number of factors which should team up to produce more desired result.

Top on the non-kinetic approach to sustain the PISE-P drive is the need to keep the doors of dialogue open. To a very great extent, continious dialogue, engagements and reconciliation with stakeholders like the Deputy Speaker highlighted in his speech will play key role using dynamic means.

In this, religious bodies, traditional institutions, youth, women groups, community leaders, state and non-state actors should be involved.

Because nature abhors vacuum amidst the importance of cushioning the effects of conflict or crisis times, a holistic Empowerment Programme (both in short, medium and long terms) needs to be designed and implemented by the various government levels. In creating this path, a central coordinating body like it obtains in the Niger Delta and North-East should be set-up. That agency which could be designated as South-East Development Commission. Although, it appears there are moves in this direction recently, however, it should be hastened.

In all, all hands must be on deck at this time and always to achieve the peace mission as  Hon. Kalu puts it, “…Cultivating a culture of peace is essential in our journey. We must promote dialogue, tolerance, and non-violence as core values within our communities. By working towards these goals, we aim to create a more peaceful, prosperous, and inclusive region for all its residents.

“Let us remember that the journey towards peace is not a destination. It is an ongoing process, one that requires our unflinching commitment and dedication. We must continue to foster inclusivity, promote social justice, and empower our youth. We must invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure. We must create opportunities for economic growth and sustainable development. And above all, we must cultivate a culture of peace, respect, and understanding.”

Let there be peace and may brotherly love continue in Southeastern part of the country.

-Orizu is media aide to Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives

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