Chimoney and Corpay Partner Redefine Global Cross-Border Payouts and Facilitate Payments in 130+ Nations

Precious Ugwuzor 

Customers of Chimoney, a Techstars-backed leader in Global Payouts, will now be able to send global payments that can be redeemed to Bank Accounts in over 130 countries, thanks to Chimoney’s latest partnership with Corpay, a FLEETCOR® (NYSE: FLT) brand and global leader in business payments. Through this partnership, The Toronto-based global payment solutions provider, Chimoney, will be able to provide unsurpassed financial inclusion and economic empowerment for users across 130+ countries. 

With Corpay’s innovative solutions, the development is also expected to give Chimoney’s customers easy access to Corpay’s Cross-Border innovative solutions, reducing foreign exchange exposure risk for Chimoney users and clients. It would also make easy payouts to more countries and currencies, an enhancements to Chimoney’s previous reach.

According to Frank Mannarino, Vice President and head of Channels and alliances, at Corpay Cross-Border Solutions, Corpay is very pleased to announce the commercial partnership with Chimoney. 

“I have no doubt that Chimoney’s customer base can benefit greatly from our specialized service and access to our comprehensive cross-border payments and currency risk management solutions. The team at Corpay is excited to build long-term business partnerships with customers and power their international payments, help them execute their plans to manage their currency risk, and support their growth internationally.”

Chimoney’s vision for global Payments is to connect all Payment networks, currencies, and rails globally to enable people everywhere to simply get paid with minimal complexity. By working with partners like Corpay, Chimoney can ensure compliance with local regulations and leverage Partner expertise to help manage foreign exchange risks, drastically reducing foreign exchange and regulatory risks for its users and corporate clients.

Uchi Uchibeke, Founder and CEO of Chimoney also added that with Corpay’s expertise and platform, Chimoney is poised to offer our customers access to a more expansive and efficient payout ecosystem. 

“As Chimoney’s mission has always been to unlock economic opportunities globally, this collaboration with Corpay amplifies our vision of creating seamless access to more payout options and countries. This is not just a partnership; it’s a synergy where innovation meets scale. For businesses and investors, it’s clear: Chimoney is setting new standards in fintech, constantly pushing boundaries, and striving for excellence”.

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