Governor Otti, Benjamin Kalu: Masterclass in Bipartisan Cooperation

Sam Hart

On the 28th of December, 2023, Abia State witnessed a beautiful moment when Governor Alex Otti rolled out the red carpet in a grand civic reception in honour of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu.

Otti is of the Labor Party while Kalu is of the All Progressives Congress.

The event, which was entirely bankrolled by the State Governor, saw the Deputy Speaker being received in a State Reception at the Ochendo International Conference Center and culminated in the conferment of the highest title in Abia State, ‘Enyi Abia’ on the Deputy Speaker.

By the next day being December 29th, 2024, the people of Bende Federal Constituency held a Homecoming Reception for their son and Representative, Kalu and Otti not only attended, but was the Chief Host at the event – going the extra mile to receive the avalanche of dignitaries that stormed Bende and lending invaluable support to the success of the event.

The Governor and the Deputy Speaker have since maintained a cordial, mutually respectful relationship to the admiration of all development-minded individuals and the consternation of agents of mischief, strife and division.

On Friday, May 3, 2024, Kalu was in Abia and the first place he visited was the Umuehim-Nvosi residence of the Governor where he pledged his continued support for Otti, despite belonging to different political parties, because “the Governor is working for the people of Abia State”.

In the words of Kalu: “You are working for the people of Abia State. We are seeing it. We will stand by you come rain, come shine. What are we looking for in leadership if not to impact lives? You are an accomplished man. You are not looking for a big name because you have earned it before coming into politics.”

“We are seeing the signs; that the steps you are taking will take us to the Promised Land. I have sat down to analyse your approach. Your approach is, do a general work for the people first before individuals,” Kalu affirmed.

He thanked Otti for the honour done to him last December, when the Governor hosted a homecoming reception to welcome him back into Abia, after he was elected Deputy Speaker by his colleagues in the Federal House.

Responding during the courtesy call, Otti expressed deep appreciation to the Deputy Speaker and attested to the numerous support that he has received from him.

“I want to use this opportunity to thank him for all the support, and he has given so much support that has attracted a lot of projects. I believe that the last one was an Industrial Court in Aba. We have already found a location for it and very soon work will start,” Otti disclosed.

Another project the State is getting the backing of the Deputy Speaker is an airport, which according to the Governor is already provided for in the Federal budget as an airstrip. “An airport is in the works. I have had a discussion with him (Deputy Speaker) and with the Honourable Minister of Aviation, and we know that what differentiates an airstrip from an airport is the runway. Since the budget has made provision for an airstrip, we believe we can also make it an airport”. It was admirable seeing the two leaders display publicly, such level of camaraderie and obvious mutual respect which can only be a precursor to impactful developments in Abia State.

One is therefore left praying fervently to God against agents of mischief and division who may not be comfortable with the relationship between the duo.

Rumours had hitherto being flying about the assumed political aspirations of the Deputy Speaker and how such ambition is bound to pit him against the Governor but from the public display of bond between the two, they seem to be sending a message to fifth-columnists: get thee behind us. Leave us alone to concentrate on the work we have been elected to do.

For too long, leaders have allowed personal and political schisms to derail their chances of working together for the good of their people. They have allowed gossip-mongers and crisis-beneficiaries to sow seeds of discord between them and create crises where none exists.

It is therefore imperative that Governor Alex Otti and Rt. Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu be commended for rising above partisan considerations and joining hands for the good of their State.

It is to the benefit of Abia State that they pull resources together to develop the State. There is a lot a Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives can attract to a State and if he is working with his State Governor for easy follow-through, it is the State that benefits at the end of the day.

Already, the fruits of these collaborations between the Deputy Speaker and the Governor are evident. Land is being allocated at rapid speed for the citing of Federal Government Projects in Abia State and the Deputy Speaker is encouraged to do even more for his State.

Kudos to these gentlemen who have decided to look beyond their partisan affiliations to work together for the good of the State. It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our sights.

Hart, a Member of the National Institute, wrote from Abuja

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